Diagnosing an ill kitten

I am doing chores on a hobby farm for some friends of mine- they have horses, dogs, and cats- and several kittens. One of the kitten’s eyes (about 7 weeks old) never seemed to open all the way, and are crusted almost entirely over. The kitten also sneezes (I think) sometimes, but otherwise shows no other illness symptoms- he’s a healthly weight, has a shiny coat, and a pleasant disposition. Does anybody know what the kitten has and how to treat it? If the condition doesn’t improve shortly, I’m bringing him to the vet… thanks for your time.

Crusty eyes and sneezing are likely indicative of a respiratory infection.

It is possible since this kitten is on a farm that it has an allergy to say, hay. We just took in a 6 month old cat from a friends farm that was allergic to hay. She had watery eyes, sneezed and sometimes wheezed a bit.

Sounds like a respiratory infection—while common in humans, this can be VERY serious (sometimes fatal) for cats. Take him to the vet!

Calici virus
Upper respiratory infection
Corona virus
Beginnings of feline leukemia, feline immunodeficiency virus, or panleukopenia
Plus dozens more.

It’s not going to get better. Poor baby, it’s entirely possible that the eye will get so infected that it will eventually rot. Disgusting, I know. You are sweet to want to help this kitten . . . but frankly, if this is a kitten living outdoors who obviously has nobody else to take care of it, the best thing for it is to be put to sleep. I am sure others would disagree with me but I’ve worked with too many feral cats to fool myself into believing otherwise. Treating even a cold is not a one-time deal: it requires a regular course of medication, proper nutrition, and regular supportive care. Please try and convince your friend to spay the mother and prevent other poor babies from suffering like this one is.


I’m surprised no one has mentioned feline distemper. Can be fatal and it is contagious. I assume none of the cats are immunized? Kitty needs to see a vet pronto. The other cats should be spayed.

Hi Hello Again - panleukopenia is the same as feline distemper. It’s also called Feline Infectious Enteritis. I don’t know why there are so many names for the same disease.

Crusted eyes and sneezing? Sounds like feline chlamydia to me. It’s a common ailment among kittens 2-6 months old, especially those with an outdoor mother. Here’s a fact sheet. Treatment is a long serious of ointment applications directly to the eye membranes. The animal will hate it.

My 2 cents - could be a variety of things, but in a 6 week old, allergy is low on my list. Some respiratory illnesses are readily treated and others are not. If the kitten is otherwise well, eats and drinks, is active and happy, is gaining weight and in good flesh and coat, your odds go up. First thing is to see a vet. Could be mechanical irritation, bacterial, viral, rickettsial - some more curable than others (Everything can be treated - of more interest is the liklihood of success). All cats differ in their personal response to treatment and their individual tolerance to the treatments, as well. I do a fair amount of on-call work and the one thing that is always true is that unless I see the animal I am guessing. It may be a good guess but it is still a guess. So pop on in to the vet and take it from there. I personally would be reluctant to sign this kitten’s death warrant without at least starting with a physical exam.

Good luck! (and it is a great idea to spay the mom if she can be caught - bear in mind cats are induceable ovulators, which means she does NOT have to be in heat to become pregnant - if she meets and breeds a tom, she can ovulate in response to the breeding, and can become pregnant again quite soon after this litter if not spayed.)

Another vote here for a trip to the vet.

Illnesses can progress very rapidly in cats. As someone who lost a beloved pet recently during a weekend getaway, I’d like to see you get an opinion from the proper source.