Did Brendon Fraser decide he's never going to win..

An academy award? Is that why he puts his heart into the B movie roles he plays? I just watched Monkeybones…a very bizarre movie. I guess my question is…Is Brendon Fraser the king of B movies now?

BTW. I enjoy watching his work very much. Looking forward to “The Mummy Returns” on DVD.

This seems like it’s bound for IMHO, and I figure I might as well hasten it along by offering my opinion on this.

While you are correct in that Brendan Fraser has only been in one “serious” (by which I mean “might have given him a shot at an Oscar”) movie, Gods and Monsters, I don’t think it’s entirely fair to classify even a majority of his work as B movies. At least, not by my understanding of B movies, something I’d like to term the sandwich axiom: cheesy special effects, hammy acting and not enough budget to buy mustard.

The Mummy and The Mummy Returns don’t really fall under this category, nor do the numerous airheaded comedies (including Airheads). So I don’t know if you could really let Brendan Fraser usurp the position that Bruce Campbell holds from acting in all those truly B movies.

There are actually 2 Brenden Frasers

There is Serious Brenden Fraser from such movies as Gods and Monsters, School Ties, and With Honors.

Then there is Jackass Brenden Fraser from Encino Man, Airheads, George of the Jungle, and Dudley Do-Right.
I’m not quite sure which one stars in the Mummy movies.

Mmmmmmm, Brenden Fraser. drools
[Homer voive]Huuuhhhhaaa…[/Homer voice]

I’m sorry to hear that, Reeder. I hope that you are able to take advantage of one of the Monkeybone Survivor Counseling Centers that communities across America have established in the last few months.


Hey, shush, Bob. I liked Monkeybone, thank you very much, and I think it should win every academy award in existence. Especially the “At Least It’s Not Spice World” Award.

Is this a record? Three different spellings of ‘Brendan’ in one thread?

How about ‘The Passion of Darkly Noon’? That was one of the most (unintentionally) funny movies I have EVER seen. It tried to be so serious and full of striking imagery, yet it was completely ridiculous. Damn, I want to watch it again - ‘We lost our giant silver shoe!’ Muah-hah-hah-hah!

Oh, for the ladies, it has a shirtless Brendan wrapping himself with barbed wire…that got my friend quite flustered when we watched it together.

While I second MilTan’s note that Fraser has never been in a B movie - he’s just been in stupid movies - it’s my secondhand understanding that he just likes dumb screwball movies, and doesn’t really give a hoot what people think.

Fraser HAS done a lot of serious theatre work, so he has considerable dramatic credentials.

Fraser is set to star in “The Quiet American,” a serious film about the Vietnamese war for independence against France.

Unless Mr. Fraser himself decides to stop in and explain his movie decisions, I don’t think we’ll get a factual answer to this. IMHO it is.

For the ladies AND the gentlemen so inclined, it also features a full moon shot with scrotal tease.

Ummmmm. Brendan Fraser

I saw an interview with him sometime last year,(and no I couldn’t find a link) where he stated he liked to pick roles he thought would be fun.
Hell, I’d be Jane to his George of the Jungle anyday.

Went to see George of the Jungle, very reluctantly, with my kids. I had the best time ever!!! Brenden Fraser in not any clothes to speak of!!! WooHoo!!!

YEAH, it does.

I love Brendan. It’s my goal to see every movie he’s ever been in. I just saw one a few weeks ago or so where his character dreamed about the woman he was going to fall in love with before they ever met. I loved it! But I can’t remember the title of the movie and had never heard of it before I found it on the satellite on accident.

Then this page may be of some use to you.

I believe you’re talking about Still Breathing. Is this the one?

I love Brendan Fraser… he’s so hot, and you just know he’s a really nice guy IRL. Sigh…

I don’t consider the likes of Encino Man and Airheads to be B-Grade movies, so much as good wholesome family entertainment :smiley: I love those movies. Seriously :slight_smile: They remind me of my teenage years.

I just saw Bedazzled for the first time this weekend, and I loved it. It was panned by a lot of people, but I thought it was good value. I was impressed by Brendan Fraser’s ability to transform himself into so many different characters through it. It was good! :slight_smile:

Thanks, Crunchy. (Now I’m all giggly.) So many more to see. I added that site to my favorites list. And yes, that’s the movie.

cazzle, I just bought Bedazzled (previously viewed - $8.99 at the video store).

Honestly, I just love that movie. Very cute and funny. I really like Elizabeth Hurley too and get a kick out of all her “devil” outfits.

I like Brendan too. Saw The Mummy Returns and liked it.

Why is this in IMHO? The man asked a question, and it has a definitive answer.

Hail to the king, baby!

Take off every .sig for great justice!!