Did Larry Wachowski becoma Lana Wachoswski?

Somebody brought this up in the other Matrix thread I started.
His IMDB page lists him (or rather her) as Lana, as does his Wiki page. But neither explicitly says that he had a sex change, and the Wiki page includes denials from several people that he became a woman.
So what’s the deal here?
If true, this really does add a whole other layer of meaning to the Matrix. :eek:

This doesn’t look like a very hard mystery to solve. Apparently she’s a MtF transsexual. That doesn’t necessarily mean she had a sex change, so it’s not unusual that people would deny rumors that she had one. And saying she “became” a woman isn’t accurate either–as a transsexual she would have always been a woman despite her physical appearance.

And how does it add another layer of meaning to The Matrix?

The Wiki Page the OP links to elaborates:

Just remember: “You can’t change the penis. That’s impossible. You have to realize that there is no penis, and you’re changing your mind.”

Well it certainly gives new meaning to all the bondage imagery for one, not to mention the themes of living in a false reality and not being who you think you are.

Er… how so, exactly?

Did you read the Wikipedia article on The Wachoswski Brothers? I had the same thoughts as joebuck20 and did some of the same looking around and their really is no good evidence one way or the other out there. A lot of heresay and gossip. There isn’t even any definitive statements that he’s a tranvestite and just likes to wear women’s clothes.

One of the main themes of The Matrix is choosing your own identity. How would one of the driving forces behind the making of it being a transsexual not add another layer of meaning?

Larry left his wife to shack up with a professional dominatrix. The only provable thing about this whole Larry/Lana thing.

Here’s a picture of her with Andy, and Ariana Huffington in between them. I think she’s adorable!

Ariana tweeted that picture from the set of a new Wachowski movie, and Sci Fi Wire re-posted it, but no one knows what the movie is, because it’s just listed on IMDB as the Untitled Lana and Andy Wachowski Project. There’s something listed called Cloud Atlas but only people with IMDB Pro can access more information.

Anyway, I’m a total Wachowski Siblings fangirl, from Bound to Speed Racer, so I’m drooling with anticipation as what they’ll do next.

This is what I was referring to, as far as the bondage thing anyway.

Yeah, I read the wiki page. She changed her name to Lana, she dresses as a woman, she presents herself as a woman, and she seems like she’s not going to be using “Larry” again in the near future, since her earlier movies are now credited as “As Larry…”. If I didn’t know who this person was and just saw a photo of her or saw her on the street, all of the visual clues would be that she’s a woman. Thus, I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume since she’s gone out of her way to present herself as female, she wants the world to see her as a woman. Not a man, not a transvestite who likes to wear women’s clothes, and not somebody who “became” a woman or had a “sex change.”

It could very well be that she doesn’t want to make a big announcement to the world or invite a dialogue on this issue. Well, I’d argue that her big announcement was changing her name. I mean, how much more information do you need than that, really? It’s not a “hearsay or gossip” that she changed her name from something obviously masculine to something obviously feminine. It’s also not a “hearsay or gossip” that she dresses like a woman. We have visual proof of that. So what else do you need? A press relief from her? More explicit photos? Something else?

But that’s my point. We don’t know if Larry Wachowski has changed his name to Lana because he’s only ever been credited on things as Larry (or as part of “The Wachowski Brothers”). IMDB and Wikipedia changing the page name to Lana means jack squat as far as proof goes.

It’s gossip and heresay and that picture doesn’t prove anything one way or the other.

Ariana tweeted this along with the picture I posted above:

Seems obvious to me that Lana wanted Ariana to call her Lana, not Larry, and that it was a natural thing for Ariana to use the name Lana.

What exactly is it that you want proven? I’m confused. You want something that will absolutely force you to use the term “she” instead of “he” but what?

C’mon! Everybody knows that people in Hollywood never get funky with gender!

Okay, well, IMDB and Wiki wouldn’t change a man’s name to Lana unless there was some reason for it. Ariana Huffington wouldn’t call her Lana unless there was some reason for it. There wouldn’t be a picture of Lana dressed as a woman with her brother and Ariana unless there was some reason for it. My explanation is that Lana is a transwoman and she’s signaling this to the world through her name and appearance (which is how we all signal our gender identity to the world). I guess your explanation of all these objective facts is that it’s really “hearsay and gossip.” I don’t find your explanation remotely compelling or realistic given how the IMDB and Wiki work (You can damn well bet that if somebody changed, say Brad Pitt’s name on IMDB to “Annie Pitt” it wouldn’t stay that way for very long), so I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.

OK, now we’re getting somewhere. Basically, I wanted something more than “The Wikipedia page has his name listed as Lana.”

Uh, no. It may be subject to further validation, but credit on IMDB does not mean “jack squat.” It’s pretty much considered a reliable source of information, no more likely to find itself having to publish a correction than most other reliable sources.

If IMDB has noted her name change, frankly the burden is on you to prove they’re wrong.

Wikipedia allowed the change to Lana because the IMDB made the change to Lana.

Doing some digging, it appears Larry has changed his name with the DGA to Lana.

I’m not sure what your point is? Are you finally acknowledging that she wishes to go by Lana?

:rolleyes: Just :rolleyes:

The whole reason for this thread was the question if Larry had become Lana in any sort of official capacity. Whether through a sex change operation or something a little less extreme such as a name change.

I stated that the Wikipedia article wasn’t definitive one way or the other and people got huffy. So I found some actual proof, and apparently that’s me trying to make some point.

Seriously :rolleyes:

I was always curious about this, too. I heard some stuff about it but wasn’t sure if it was kosher or just gossip. I’m kind of surprised it wasn’t more of a big thing–it seems like the kind of thing tabloids eat up.

So will they no longer be credited as the Wachowski Brothers?