My daughter received a soft blanket that she has taken to carrying around the house, as well as sleeping with it.
“Daddy, I left Fluffy my blanket in the kitchen. Would you get it for me,” she asked.
“OK Linus, I’ll get it,” I replied.
“Linus never named his blanket,” she quipped.
This got me to thinking. I could have sworn he had, but could not be sure. My wife is in agreement with me, but cannot think of what it was. Wikipedia did not answer anything for me.
So I turn to the teaming millions.
Did Linus ever name his blanket?
I don’t remember him ever doing so and I’ve read all of Peanuts from the beginning.
My memory is no longer a guarantee of much of anything, though.
As far as I can remember he didn’t. He did make a sport jacket out of it once, though.
Actually, Snoopy did that. And it was two sport jackets since he made a miniature one for Woodstock.
I have it on good authority that Linus named his blanket Prince Michael Jackson II.
Not up to 1966 he didn’t. I haven’t gotten the most recent box set yet.
Linus never named his blanket. He was psychologically dependent on it, not weird.
Uhhh, no offense intended toward Young Mistress -jacob.
Linus referred to it as a “security blanket,” but never actually named it.
Believe me, as a kid, I devoured the Peanuts cartoon books, if Linus ever named his blanket, I’d know.
He didn’t.
A phrase that crept into our lexicon. No, Linus was dependant, but not that dependant.
True. In fact, as the strip went on, you increasingly saw him without his blanket (although I think in one strip he revealed he had it folded into his coat pocket).
after further inspection, and the help found here, it is concluded that he did not name his blanket. Maybe I was thinking of the “Woobie” from Mr. Mom.
Thank you everyone.
If your kid is naming her blanket that means she’s ready for the next step, having a baby…
Ah I mean a kitty or puppy