Did Marilyn Manson rip off Pink Floyd?

I just watched the film version of “Pink Floyd: The Wall” the other day. I am no MM fan, but I know enough about him from television to see the uncanny resemblance between the stage setting of some his performances, and the concert stage set scenario that Pink does near the end of the film.
Both have a very Hitler-Nazi-esque look and theme to them, and both look very similar. Is this just coincidence, or did MM rip Roger Waters off? What’s the Straight Dope on this? as far as I know, MM was barely even known, if at all, when The Wall was filmed.

I alwasy thought MM was a 90’s version of Alice Cooper without talent.


Yeah. I was playing some Alice and my daughter said, “He sounds like he’s trying to be Marilyn Manson.”

“No, dear. Marilyn Manson wants to be Alice Cooper, but it ain’t gonna happen.”

Maryln Manson Ripped off Christian Death so egregiously that any other thefts aren’t worth worrying about.

Pink floyd used the imagery to make a point.
Marlym Mansun did it to make money

Well there’s something I hoped to never see : Pink Floyd and Mary Manson used in the same sentence. FWIW I agree, I think some of the costumes and imagery used by Manson does seem very familiar to anyone who has seen “The Wall”. So does Mary rip others off ? Hey man, when you got no talent thats what you do. BTW, isn’t his 15 minutes way up ??

Maryln Manson wouldn’t make a good pimple on any member of Pink Floyd’s butts.

Or Alice’s either.

He wouldn’t even make a good pimple on a pimple’s butt.

MM went to a rival high school of mine. Scary…I don’t like the fact that I’ve lived in the same town as him. Uck.


First, let me make it clear that I have never knowlingly listened to a Marilyn Manson song, and would not know what he/she/it looks like. However, I’m led to believe that maybe I would not want to, anyway.

But as far as ripping other people’s work off, isn’t that par for the course these days? It seems that an awful lot of current pop music these days is either a cover of someone else’s hit from yesteryear, or a blatant rip-off of a catchy riff.

The latter is something that annoys me intensely. Recently I heard a song that uses Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall Part 2”, complete with half the guitar solo, yet these morons are going to claim it as their own work. Not that this is a new phenomenon - artists such as Steely Dan, After the Fire, Queen, David Bowie etc all have been victims of the great riff rip-off.

If everyone else is doing it, apparently without great complaint, so what if Marilyn Manson is doing it too?

As much as I respect Alice Cooper, I am not one of these old farts who automatically puts down something new as not holding a candle to the original.

I mean, you can easily say that Alice tried to be Screamin’ Jay Hawkins for that matter! (I’ll bet some erudite geezers back in the day did just that).

I also do hope that Marilym Manson won’t have such a slew of SHITTY ALBUMS Cooper is responsible for. Really, while I do hope to scrounge up a copy of the box set, all you need is Greatest Hits in your collection for Alice Cooper more so than any other artist I can think of.

Yer putz,
Satan :wally

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Wow. All the hostility against Mr. Manson. I wonder how many people in this thread have actually listened to MM? I suspect Larry Borgia has, because anyone into Christian Death would have at least sampled his wares. And Satan has, I think, listened to everything. But c’mon, the rest of you. How many have actually listened to, say, Antichrist Superstar* all the way through?

I disagree with most of you regarding MM’s lack of talent.

Sorry folks, but Mechanical Animals is one of the best rock albums of the last couple of years.

I’ve never seen Manson in concert, and I do not particularly enjoy his personality, but that music is really f’ing good.

I’m with Osip and Ayesha. I haven’t suffered through a complete album of his, but I’ve heard most of the radio/MTv stuff and it truly sucks ass. Big time. I’ll give him kudos on his freak show, the breasts are somewhat entertaining, but as far as the music goes…nada.

what do you think of the new Alice Cooper album Satan?

Alice is, unfortunately, past his expiration date. I mean, he’s doing golf commercials now! Listening to the disc, all I could think was, he’s still having Bob Erzin write his shit, and I don’t even know if he did! :eek:

necros said

I live down in Fl, and my brother was friends with him for a while before he got any non-local recognition. He’s smart, he likes to provike thought in people, and he was scarred pretty deeply by having to go through parochial schooling that told him what he thought was wrong. I listened to his music, and the earlier stuff is good, and it develops and progresses as he digs deeper into what inspired him. Sure, now he’s a bit more in it for the money, but his emotions are still there. Sure he rips off of people in some states, but it’s more in tribute of them than for the sake of ripping them off. Look at the people who protested his music and the things they tried to blame him for. It’s shameless, and people did the same thing with KISS back in the 70s. He’s not worshipping satan, and he’s not harming you by doing something that he loves to do for a living. I wish people would just go attack personally the people who are doing wrong instead of blaming the people who are the black sheep of society.

*Marilyn Manson chose his name in a reference to both Marilyn Monroe and Charles Manson. He was trying to show that everyone has a light and dark side, and how people focus on both the beautiful and the ugly. These people were icons when he was growing up, and Charles Manson must have had some redeeming traits somewhere in that messed up brain of his, or else he wouldn’t have been able to get people to do what they did for him. Marilyn Monroe was a beautiful actress, but as many famous people, had her faults and quirks that she didn’t want people to know. Look at what the media throws at us today and think about what they are showing us as role models for the society of the future. The picture they show us is that women have to be unnaturally thin, independent, smart, sexy, and still have a need to be with men. Men are still expected to be macho, muscular, and be a protector type to women. It’s ridiculous, no one should have to try to reach this standard that they put forth.