Did you go to a school named after a historic figure?

Did you go to the one in St. Louis?

Henry H. Wells Middle School.

I went to William James Middle School, but it wasn’t named for the Wm. James you may have heard of. Originally, it was the high school for the black kids, before desegregation. After integration, it became a junior high school, but the name was retained by the local school board. It was named after the founder/schoolmaster of the first formal school for African American children in this town. I always thought that was relatively progressive, given the time and place.

(All of the other schools I attended were named for the town, county, or state.)

Washington Elementary

Hmm- depends on what you mean by historical.

Kindergarten was named after the little town we lived in. Grade schools were three heavyweight Roman Catholic Saints. High school had a name that was about as generic as it could be.

Well, that’s still better than the Tractors.

Quinney school (K-8 when I was there, now 2-4) was named after Wisconsin’s first public school teacher Electa* Quinney

There was only one public high school, and Appleton just had a West and an East


  • Kids said “Electra”

Two. Both losers.

Woodrow Wilson Elementary. Mirabeau B. Lamar High School.

Technically, I suppose

South Dade and Hernando high school are named based off the counties.

The counties are named after historic figures:

Hernando de Soto and Francis L. Dade

Yes, but only because the high school was named after the city. The city was named after Charles Darwin.

One of the places I went to was Calvin Coolidge Grade school.
Others had vaguely housing development names - Brookview, Broadmeadow - and others were named after the town or state they were in.

My elementry school was named afterJ.C. Nichols, the Kansas City real estate developer, while my Jr high was named after the painter George Caleb Bingham.

Not really. All of mine were either named for the district (the name of which was not related to the community) or the community. Since two of the three towns were named for actual people who lived there or helped found the town, I guess you could stretch it but there was no recognition of any people (plaque or such) on any of the buildings.

No. This seems to be a peculiarly American thing.

As a military brat, I went to a number of schools named after admirals. I went to a university named after royalty.

Yep. Louis Pasteur Junior High and Alexander Hamilton High.

After much thinking over the many schools I attended (we moved a lot), surprisingly, no. They were all named after the cities/towns (or, in the case of my high school, the township) they were located in.

I briefly went to a school (that’s still going) that was named after a bridge in Melbourne Vic that still stands. The bridge was named for some dude who opened a chocolate factory.

That’s as historically famous as I got. :smiley:

No. Many of the other schools in the area were named after actual people of varying historical fame (often not especially famous, just the founder of the school).

My school was named as an anagram (Thornden) of a local school (North End) it was built to replace. That wasn’t a lame idea in the 1970s.

Australian schools are mostly named after the suburb they’re located in. If a suburb has lots of primary schools, they tend to be named after the street they’re in.

My old High School amalgamated with another high school from the district and so, the feelings of the kids from the other school weren’t hurt, they changed the name (and the uniform) of the school. They called it after the first Director-General of Education in NSW. A career public servant.