Didn't the Gay Games rock!!!!

Well I guess the title says it all :slight_smile:

I had an absolutely sensational time at Gay Games IV held last week in Sydney. There was a vibe in the city that was just buzzing with excitement and happiness.

I loved the fact that I could just approach total strangers on the train, or in the street and talk to them, knowing they were in Sydney for the gay games. I made lots of new acquaintances and friends.

From a sporting perspective, I had a tremendous time. I competed in the women’s volleyball comp with a team comprised of myself (an Australian), four women from Seattle and two Swiss women. A truly international experience! We played together for the first time in our first match. We won enough matches to be placed second in our division (B grade), so they pushed us into A grade… where we got pounded LMAO

Even so, once off the court, we were friends with all the other teams, all of us delighting in the incredible atmosphere.

Those are the things I loved about the gay games. But… (and there’s always a but, isn’t there?), I found the parties disappointing. “Butch” was a total balls-up. 1800 women… one bar. The drinks were expensive… and after a couple hours they actually ran out of booze. Just as well, since there were only a few toilets for all those women. And the music bit arse!

Sooooooo fellow gay games dopers… tell me! What did you like about the gay games? What pissed you off? Will you be in Montreal in 2006???

Max :slight_smile: