I could have sworn when I first signed on to the boards, there was a quick and dirty way to ignore a poster. Like you’d click on his/her name and the list would say:
View Public Profile
Sent Private Message
Ignore User
…and so on
Is that gone? It takes me awhile to dig through the user CP to find the “list” function and it can be a pain if there is alternative spelling or an underscore in the offending party’s name.
A way I’ve found is, if you click on the person’s name, select “View Public Profile”, and then in their public profile, under the name, select “User Lists” and the option is there to ignore that person, without having to type anything in. It sounds like it’s still an extra click or two from what it used to be.
Oh, that’s sucky. I like the “dickhead” entry in the dropdown that allows you to ignore people in a quick fell swoop. For obvious spammers and trolls and stuff, I don’t want to have to be bothered to go through multiple menus. It feels too much like spammer/troll is getting what they want: people’s time (even though they won’t know specifically who is blocking them).