differences between candidates

Has it ever been proven that certain differences always show up between the winning President and the candidate who lost?
I heard about the taller one always wins, but not true?
Also the one with the most royal lineage!
I think this year the one with the longest Name will win!

My favorite was the one with the biggest head (physically, proportionate to the body) would win. However, with Gore and Bush, I can’t tell who has the proportionately larger, if empty, melon on top their shoulders. Does anyone know?

I also heard that the rule of thumb is the shorter name wins. If so, the shorter name contest is a technical tie. George and Albert tie, Bush and Gore tie, but Al is shorter than George. He wins? Maybe not. Most of Bush’s friends actually call him “W.” You think that would win, but the argument comes back that “double u” (or double ya")is pronounced longer than “Al.” No wonder this race is too close to call.

Since the inception of the Republican Party, all prime-numbered Presidents have been Republicans. This election will determine President #43- a prime- ergo, George W. Bush will automatically win election.
(I’m also willing to predict authoritatively that this thread shall be moved to IMHO at some point.)

> I also heard that the rule of thumb is the shorter name wins.

Are we only talking about last names? If so:

Clinton beat Dole
Clinton beat Bush
Carter beat Ford

Back to the drawing board on that one.

As for height, Roosevelt was in a wheelchair.

Naw, that was just a vast right-wing conspiracy. :slight_smile:

Number of electoral votes? (And IIRC the Tilden-Hayes election may have been an exception to that one.)