Dig photo, video and audio editing software suggestions.

I’m looking for editing software to compile photos, video, and audio into a slide show that can be loaded up to YouTube.

My Wife is doing an Iron Man next fall. We will have lots of digital pictures. And will probably get some video to.

I’m looking for an all in one software that will compile this info to put onto YouTube.

I have Paint shop Pro. And ITunes. I can attach audio to pictures and create a slide show. Not sure about video.

What I don’t have is a way to clip and create fade in fade out volume on audio files. I would like to be able to edit snippits of mp3s to attach to the pictures and video.

Is there an all in one software for cheap that can handle this? Or what group of products would be easiest to work with?


I’ve never used YouTube as an uploader, but according to their website you can upload movies in .wmv format.

Windows Movie Maker should do everything you need, and if you have Windows it’s already installed on your computer.

You might want to look into Audacity. It’s a very basic, but free, audio editor. WMM has very limited options when it comes to dealing with audio, and it may help to have the extra capacity.

Other than that, what you’re asking for is pretty basic, and any video editor will handle the job. Since this seems to be a one-time thing, I’d suggest just sticking with WMM or iMovie. (depending on if you have a PC or Mac).

Yeah, good point.

While WMM allows audio fade in and out, it’s a very basic function, and editing your audio in Audacity will give you much more control.

Thanks all.

I dowloaded Audacity, that may work fine. I have a bit of work to do.

Audacity does seem to allow the fade in and out and cut songs.