Ah, the joys of having a 6 month old!
Seriously, I’m going to be grey by the end of the week.
So, at 6 months, he has decided to feed himself using a spoon. Oh, how cute! We thought this was just peachy.
Until the past 5 days.
Now he won’t let us feed him at all. Gets really pissed about it. Refuses to eat. Fine. We decide to be clever and bring 2 spoons to each feeding. That way we can trade spoons- he feeds himself with the first one, then we hand him the second to feed himself with while we put more food one the first.
Which is being met with a rousing “fuck you mom.” Tink doesn’t want to give up spoon #1, gets frustrated he has no more food on it, and cries. If we manage to get him to do the trade thing, he still gets frustrated with it being slow and not doing it all himself, and we get a crying angry baby once again.
Plus, we’ve decided baby food sucks and we want what mom & dad eat. Fine, we think. We are clever humans. Let’s trick him!
Get bananna. Get cracker. Eat in front of him. Oh, baby wants it? OK! Here’s a bit of bananna! Here’s some cracker! Now you will be a happy baby!
Wrong. We do not want a piece of the bananna. We want ALL the banana. We don’t want little baby bits, we want to gnaw on it whole, even though it’s bigger than our head. Now we are frustrated because we drop the bananna and we want THAT piece, not another one, and we are hungry and we are mad. So much crying results.
We try being more clever. We give him a few ounces of formula first, take the edge off the hunger, maybe now he will be more patient. No. You are wrong.
In short, we have a kid who very clearly knows what he wants, and knows what he wants his body to do, but doesn’t have all the skills yet to be able to do it. Also, he is too stubborn to give up and let us feed him. So every meal is a crying angry mess, and he is barely eating any solid food at all now. Needles to say, we are going through an obscene amount of formula.
Someone, somewhere must also have had a little Napoleon. How did you help him eat?