Discover your secret feelings for Hillary

You can go to this New Scientist website and take a test which reveals your secret “subconscious” feelings towards Hillary, Obama, Huckabee and McCain.

I came out strongly in favor of Hillary, then Huckabee>McCain>Obama were all close.

The test takes about ten minutes. I screwed up the first couple sets of questions before I got the hang of associating good words with the person I was supposed to associate them with, as opposed to who I actually associate them with. For instance, you’re supposed to associate good words with McCain, and bad for everyone else, but I kept clicking “good” on the other guys because hey, I don’t hate them.


About what I expected.

Obama --------------------->McCain ---->Hilary-Huckabee

The only surprise is that Hilary didn’t rank below Huckabee, too.

I got Obama way at the top, McCain below center, and Hillary and Huckabee way at the bottom.

I got Obama, Huckabee, Clinton skip a space, McCain. Which is funny, I might actually vote for McCain if Hillary gets the nom.

I got, Hillary, Huckabee and McCain together with Obama so close it overlapped. I love everyone!

I’m too lefthanded to get past “E” = bad, “I” = good.

------>Obama ----------------->McCain —>Hillary------------------------------>Huckabee

No surprise, that is how I really feel. I will vote for HRC if she somehow wins the nimination, but I do not like her. I won’t vote for McCain, but I do like and respect him. I really like Obama and respect him.
If Huckabee won, the US would be seriously endangered.


Everything smack dab in the middle for me. Obama right above Clinton/McCain with those two right above Huckabee. If my response to all of them was just about the same, I question the methodology of the test.

Obama------------------------Clinton/McCain (tie)----------------Huckabee

That’s reasonably accurate, except that I prefer Clinton to McCain.


Well, it says “for entertainment/educational purposes.” I went into it already biased for Clinton, and prejudiced against Obama. The latter because I’m kinda exhaused by the Obama=Jesus’ second coming and Clinton=Satan there seems to be so much of. The other two I went mostly by how their face makes me feel. I happen to think Hucklebee’s got a kind, friendly face and McCain is hit or miss. Sometimes nice, sometimes reminds me a bit too much of a Cheney. I was hoping I’d be surprised by the results, but wasn’t really.

Hillary’s got my vote pretty much, but if she doesn’t get nominated then I’ll probably sit up straighter and start listening more carefully to the others. Obama doesn’t own my vote. He’ll have to earn it after he eliminates Clinton.

----->Obama -> McCain ------------------------------------------------------------------------>Clinton/Huckabee

Not much of a surprise, but I expected to see McCain slightly above Obama.


which is about what I thought.


…which sort of surprises me. I thought I disliked Huckabee far more than McCain, although to be honest one of the posts in a recent thread has been nagging at me since I read it. Something like, “McCain’s affable nice guy persona is the biggest fleece job ever pulled on the American public” and something else about how hated he is by other senators because he’s an abusive jerk. I guess that’s been slowly and nearly unconsciously coloring my view of him - a year ago I thought it wouldn’t be a terrible thing if he got the job, if I couldn’t have a Democrat to choose from.

The only surprise was that I listed McCain above Hillary, in the IAT, rather than vice versa for my conscious thinking.
Conscious preferences: Obama>Hillary…>…McCain>Huckabee

IAT Preferences: Obama>McCain…>…Hillary>Huckabee

I got Hillary…Obama&McCain…Huckabee

Which is strange. I mean, I’d vote for Hillary if she gets the Democratic nom, but I’m really pulling for Obama. I think this was down to the test, though. My first two blocks were both Hillary, so I think I got used to clicking “I” when I saw her face.



I am surprised. I loathe Huckabee, and think badly of Clinton, but I had no idea that I really dislike her more. Obama/McCain is less of a surprise. I don’t vote strict Republican, but i thought that my general attachment to them was stronger.


Pretty much how I see it in my life. Obama is a tool, IMO. I find it funny that I had such a gap between Huckabee and Obama – I know almost nothing about Huckabee.