Discussion Forums?

Are there any alternatives to the current Yahoo! Clubs and Groups. I looked around but cant seem to find any and I dont particularly like how Yahoo! tends to censor some subjects (adult among others)

thanks for any and all responses

You want discussion forums? Try these.

Cafe Society.

Great Debates.

In My Humble Opinion.

Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share.

The BBQ Pit.

not quite what i meant, though SDMB is definately an awesome place for discussion

but I was thinking more of subject specific groups like Yahoo offers (formerly egroups)

thanks though

any others?

If you have a decent mail server (or even if you’re using AOL to reach the internet), you can use that to reach a lot of topic-specific newsgroups. Newsgroups differ from message boards in a number of ways. The most obvious difference to a newbie is the way that their threads are more like threads with each post a bead on that thread that must be opened individually. (They are also frequently not moderated, although many–not all–will have a someone looking over the group to purge spam and such.)

If you are on AOL, go to keyword Newsgroup and look around. Otherwise, open your e-mail agent and click on Help and look up newsgroups.

Deja (formerly Deja Vu) used to have fairly decent software to browse Newsgroups, but I haven’t looked it over since Google bought it out, closed it down, re-opened it (without the archive) and then re-added (most of?) the archive.

The url for Deja through Google is:

Getting back to message boards, many locations have their own, private boards (usually powered by either UBB or vB) that you can reach through their web site. For example, if your are mad about model railroads, search for a model railroader site (or several) and see which ones have message boards attached.

Opal Cat runs a message board off her Fathom domain at http://fff.fathom.org/cgi-bin/Ultimate.cgi . Anthracite runs the UnaBoard message board at http://www.geocities.com/unaboard/ . Snopes (the Urban Legend busting site) has its own message board (which is not available as I am typing this.

yea, I know about newsgroups, but i meant specificly LIKE yahoo groups and clubs without the censorship…

I guess for the most part the services which used to be like this (egroups specifically) was bought out by Yahoo!

sad … but owell

thanks for the links to the message boards, not exactly what I was searching for … but i’ll look anyway

thanks for taking the time to respond


Umm, well, you could always start your own group on yahoo. Or look for another list hosting site like http://www.listz.com - they have discussion forums and lists.

You might want to post this in “IMHO.”