Disgusting Food Combinations (that people actually eat)

My Mom made me a sandwich when I was a kid that I instantly loved and still eat to this day:

Peanut Butter, Cheese, and Lettuce Sandwiches.

You must use white bread and the cheese must be either regular Velveeta or regular American (like Kraft Deli Deluxe)

It sounds totally revolting but is really good!

Once, at work, I made two sandwiches - one for me for lunch and another cut up into small bite sized pieces. Anyone who made a face or comment about my sandwich was challenged to try a piece. Everyone who tried it found it surprisingly tasty!

Every now and then, I’ll just smear some peanut butter on a slice of cheese as a snack. So good…

At first I thought this sounded really awful, then I realized that I, like many other people, eat nuts and cheese together all the time and it’s a great combination.

It probably helps that I eat the non-sugary kind of peanut butter though.

A question for the apple-pie-and-cheese folks, that has been bothering me for years. How, exactly? Do you grate the cheddar and sprinkle it over the pie, slice the cheddar thinly and eat it on top of the pie, or what? Do you do anything to melt the cheese?

Personally, I prefer to slice the cheese thinly, put in atop the pie, and slide it under the broiler for a bit. (But I like crunchy/slightly overbrowned pastry. You may differ.)

There’s nothing wrong with a White Russian though. Why fix what aint broke?

A slice, melted. The broiler or oven is best, but the microwave will work in a pinch.

The slawburger is a brand new concept to me, I’m afraid, but I grew up in Northern Kentucky and attended college at UK. I never spent much time in the eastern part of the state if I could avoid it. :wink:

Not me but my uncle eats potato latkes with maple syrup. gag

Taking a piece of bread with jam or cheese on it, and dipping it into coffee. Yuck. It always kind of grossed me out seeing relatives (like my grandma for example) do that.

I think it’s weird that I would never let a pickle anywhere near a good breakfast, but I love a burger with bacon & pickle (and other stuff), or a pickle alongside a BLT or club sandwich.

Bacon is like some sort of super-changing food!

This thread is giving me ideas more than it’s grossing me out.

Not disgusting so much as baffling: When I was in New Zealand I learned that many locals enjoy burger toppings I’d generally avoid. I ordered a deluxe burger from a little snack shack. There were the typical lettuce and pickles and so forth, but the other ingredients thew me for a loop. Fried egg? Good; I’ve had that before. Slice of ham? Good. Pineapple ring? A little out of place. Canned beet? Why would you wreck all that good stuff with a slice of beet?

It’s not too far afield from applesauce, in terms of sweet + salty/savory, and applesauce is a traditional latke topping. I’d put it in the same penumbra as people who eat bacon or sausage with pancakes/waffles and dip the meat into the syrup.

Mmmm…because beetroot is delicious, of course! Beetroot goes on everything! Those Kiwis were clearly slacking on the job if they didn’t convert you when they had the chance.

So I’m guessing my deluxe fish-finger sandwich containing fish fingers, mayonnaise, ketchup,lettuce and beetroot would be considered a little wierd by some?

Yeah, yeah, just let the banana-bread lobby keep on fooling you. Cake, that’s what banana bread is. All Cake All The Time! (but it does taste nice with butter)

I like a can of fruit cocktail or apple pie with chocolate ice cream. Yumm.

My mom used to mix Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee Beefaroni with canned fruit cocktail. I couldn’t stand to be anywhere near with that going on.

She is also fond of cottage cheese mixed with Catalina or french dressing.

And she thinks I’M weird because I like mayo or mustard with fries and won’t eat ketchup.

I bought some chocolate goat cheese a while back.

Amazingly it was exactly neither unpleasant nor actively good. “Yeah, that tastes like goat cheese and chocolate. Hmm. What else do we have to eat?”
If I say fish custard is that too much of a BBC in-joke?

The first one sounds foul and the second one sounds pretty good.

Back when I was into Scotch, I would order a Scotch on the rocks and dip pretzels in it. After a few pretzels, I’d be thirsty, so I’d down the Scotch. Rinse, repeat.

Use chunky peanut butter, and put it on toast. :slight_smile: I thought it sounded gross until a friend made it for me. Ditto for the meatballs in a combo of barbecue sauce and grape jelly.

When we were kids, my brother and I used to put ketchup on turkey. Given that kids will put ketchup on pretty much anything, I guess it wasn’t really all that bad, but I can’t imagine eating that now.

Tomato Juice and Coke is absolutely favorite delicious but unconventional mixture.