"Disgusting" foods you love that the majority can't seem to stand.

Dubbel zout dropjes

I have no horror of organ meats which, as noted, seems to be wide-spread in the States. While living in the UK, I tried haggis and frequently enjoyed blood/black pudding for breakfast. From childhood, I’ve liked liver; if I don’t eat it as often as I’d like, it’s because of the high cholesterol.

Spam wit’ rice fo da kine plate lunch. It’s ono!!


I had calf lungs in Vienna and it was delicious.

I’ve never considered SPAM as something ‘the majority can’t seem to stand’. This, in spite of all of the jokes. I grew up with SPAM, so it’s just normal (though ‘low-class’) food.

I’ll have some SPAM musubi, please. :slight_smile:

Since Mississippi is still part of the South (last time I checked) I know that. I just put that into the vernacular spelling (being so edumacated, you’ve heard of that, right?) to mess with the pedantics that were bound to show up.

Glad to know there’s there’s another cunnasewer here though.

This reminds me of a place I used to wait tables at in northern Cincinnati called Chester’s Road House (which has been gone for quite a while now).

One of our regular customers was a nun, whom would come all decked out in her habit and she was extremely obese. We served prime rib at this place, and she would always request the fat chain in lieu of a proper cut from the rib. This is disgusting enough in and of itself, but to wash down her 12oz meal of pure fat, she would always request a tall, cold glass of buttermilk. No shit.


Super super sharp cheddar. So old it crumbles .

I like to put crumbled bacon on cookies.

I’ve eaten a few things from East Asian cuisine that a lot of Westerners won’t touch: pig’s brains (in hot pot), tripe (in pho)…

I like okra more than a lot of people I’ve met, also. People dislike the texture but that’s my favorite part!

aHA! You’re talking about stewed okra (maybe with some tomatoes stewed with 'em). Some people can take fried okra, but you’re right…stewed with corn bread on the side. With stewed black-eye peas, please. And when the peas are gone you crumble up some corn bread in the pot likker.
Were your parents from the Deep South? And made you eat them as a child?
It seems this thread is attracting acquired tastes, and stewed okra is usually acquired in the South (or from parents from that geography).
Acquired a taste for well-made menudo from living in the Southwest.

One dish served in the far east I would have a problem with…dog.

Oh, since it’s getting to be that time of the year… I will eat fruitcake.

I love the fruitcake one of my relatives makes, which is almost all preserved fruit and almost no cake. It’s like eating soft, sticky candy held together by bready glue.

I love liver. I love it either with onions or without, chicken, beef, or pork.

I also love organ meats in general. Beef tongue, beef brains, and chicken parts (hearts, gizzards, and the aforementioned livers) are especial favorites, but I certainly would not turn down kidneys or other organs and I would almost certainly love them.

I like lima beans, in that I can certainly enjoy eating them but there’s always a vegetable I think should be used instead of them. I love brussels sprouts and I think they’re the perfect vegetable to use sometimes. In general, I will either like or love any non-spicy vegetable that isn’t overcooked or just cooked badly. I think the majority of hatred people heap on vegetables comes from the longstanding tradition, now dying out, of cooking them until they’re mush and pretending the mush qualifies as food. I hate that crap, and no vegetable is good when subjected to such methods.

(Also: Okra, spinach, collard greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, and black-eyed peas, especially if the okra is in a gumbo or is fried and the spinach, greens, and black-eyed peas are cooked with bacon and onions and served with vinegar. I was raised just far enough south to have grown up on that, and the idea anyone would think it disgusting is so alien to me I almost forgot them.)

I love black coffee as long as it isn’t burned. (As with the vegetables above, burned coffee is always undrinkable.) I didn’t think this was odd at all until I discovered just how common adding cream and sugar is. (Frappucinos and the like are fine drinks that happen to use coffee as an ingredient. I’ve made pasta by boiling it in coffee; I ate it with milk and it was good in its own right as a dish that uses coffee as an ingredient.)

I love sushi made with raw fish, as opposed to the nearly as good sushi that either uses cooked meat or is just rice, vegetables, and a sauce. This isn’t rare for Westerners anymore, but there are plenty of people where I live who cannot abide the notion of eating any meat raw.

Speaking of fish, while lutefisk isn’t my favorite food in the world I certainly like it and will eat (perhaps more than) my share if it’s offered. It certainly ranks with potato lefse with butter, sugar, and cinnamon as a good bit from my Norwegian heritage.

I suppose the only food left is the ‘normal’ (French cuisine) stuff like frog legs and snails, but I don’t know anyone in real life who thinks that’s disgusting. Oh, and while all of the caviar I’ve ever had has been too salty, I certainly don’t think it’s disgusting.

I’m one of the eleven people in the world who actually likes anchovies. I eat them out of the can.

Also Clamato.

Also (and I seem to be alone in the world with this) Budweiser Chelada (beer and Clamato mixed togeher).

Dio: Make it twelve: I love anchovies, too. I love canned sardines, especially packed in water. I love liver sausage of all kinds and potted meat (including SPAM, especially bacon SPAM) and pickled herring. I also love many kinds of stinky cheese, although I can’t remember the names of the specific ones I’ve had. I’ll also eat the little pieces of whole garlic in any dish that has them.

Thirteen. Last night I put anchovies on my frozen pizza. Three fillets didn’t fit, so I ate them out of the tin.

Ewwww sick! Where’s that pukey smiley. You drink Budweiser? :smiley: I’ll take the crab juice.

No not a beer snob, Budweiser is great when it’s cheap. Haven’t been able to try Chelada, though.

My mom actually is from the deep South but she hates (stewed) okra! I guess it must skip a generation, or something. I never had it until it was served in the dining hall at my university.

I’ve mentioned this before, but it fits this thread nicely: buttermilk. Sometimes 2 or 3 glasses in succession. Can’t get enough of it.

Also, Spam. Sliced on a white bread sandwich with yellow mustard.

Does bologna count? I loves me my bologna.

I guess I would be #13.

I suggest putting sardines on slices of grilled baguette with a smear of avocado and a garnish of slivered scallions. I marinate the sardines in a little red-wine vinegar for a 1/2 hour before assembly, but I easily eat this as my lunch at least once a week.

I’m not really sure these could be counted as disgusting as opposed to just unusual:
I like a lot of my veges raw, Cauli, broccoli, pumpkin, sweet potato occasionally potato, okra and so on. I quite like to eat flowers: pea flowers are real good, flowers of brassicas gone to seed are also tasty. I eat celtus stems and radish seed pods.