"Disgusting" foods you love that the majority can't seem to stand.

Quel horreur!!!*

Vegemite, haggis, menudo, escargots, tako (octopus), liver, SOS…

Limburger cheese. It smells like nasty feet and pretty much tastes like it smells. But it tastes so good! This was a good test for my girlfriend (now wife). I knew if she could tolerate the smell of limburger cheese she could tolerate living with me.

I don’t think anyone even thinks that haggis is disgusting. I think people think that people think Haggis is disgusting. It’s not. It’s actually delicious.

I had two different kinds of haggis at a scotch tasting recently. Both of them were outstanding. The taste was great, the texture was great, and there was absolutely nothing about the haggis that any American eater would find objectionable.

I used to love those. However, after watching my roommate in college literally eat NOTHING but Hot Pockets for lunch every day for an entire school year (and gaining about 40 lbs in the process), I won’t touch them, period. Man, I could sure go for a Cheeseburger Croissant Hotpocket … it’s been about 10 years!

Americans can’t handle the idea that they are eating innards (even if it chopped up with oatmeal) nor a fully-blown haggis served in a stomach. Since I have a hard time acquiring stomachs, I just use caul fat which works just fine and makes for a gorgeously moist haggis.

We are a silly people…

I’ll add another one:

Blood sausage.


Supposedly, you aren’t getting “real” haggis in America, only Real Scotsmen get it. It has something to do with a law against importing lung material (Mad Cow?), so they do without. I somehow doubt the addition of lungs makes the taste any better (worse).

Why would you have to import lamb lungs to make haggis? This guy got the lamb offal from a local sheep farm, I think.

Americans eat innards all the time: hot dogs and sausages.

Spam must be the most mocked food in history but once in a while I crave a tin of the variety with the built in Tabasco sauce. I cut it into 4 thick slices and make two sandwiches on white bread (bought specifically for this purpose, otherwise I never eat it).

Lima Beans, Butter Beans (which ever you call them) food of the gods.

Well, they are two different things. Lima beans are much “greener” than Butter Beans, and I think someone who dislikes Lima Beans might actually like Butter Beans… and similarly, maybe someone who doesn’t like Lima Beans might like Fava Beans.

Butter beans
Black licorice
Liverwurst (which has to be properly served: two slices of soft white bread, untoasted, spread thinly with yellow mustard; do not defile my liverwurst with spicy brown or by putting it on wheat or grainy bread); thick slices of liverwurst, sandwich cut in half on an angle. NO onions! Just liverwurst, bread, mustard.

Marmite (and none of that upstart Vegemite nonsense, thankyouverymuch!), at least in a non-British/NZ/Australian sense. Most Americans seem to think the stuff is hideous.

I’m Dutch and the following are traditional:

Soused herring
Extra-salty licorice

Aside from that I’ll eat pretty much anything that lives in the sea, snails, duck tongues, and most types of offal.

What do you do for the lungs, though? AIUI the USDA forbids the sale of them.

I like licorice, vegemite, some offal (liver, tripe, sweetbread), kimchi, spicy V8, brawn(head cheese), ox tongue and just about any seafood.

Frogs legs just taste like chicken to me. Heart does taste like liver, but I prefer liver. I’ve had haggis once and I thought it was a fine breakfast food. I used to love eating fish eyes as a kid.

I like prunes but not prune juice. Totally different!

I can’t imagine liking lutefisk from the descriptions I’ve heard though.

No no no! Braunschweiger belongs on a sandwich with some nice rye bread and plenty of mustard. Yum yum yum.

I looooooooooove Chef Boyardee ravioli.

I was the originator of the scrapple poll so I guess I’ll add that.

Balut. Difficult to find, but when I do I’m not allowed to bring them into the house. Of course, my GF is a vegetarian so I should consider myself lucky I can bring a Slim Jim into the house.

Oh yeah. Slim Jims.

Most of the foods I eat are commonly considered ‘gross’. People are appalled by my diet on a daily basis.

Everything I eat is pretty much covered in animal fat, for starters - I pour heavy cream over everything and cook with copious amounts of bacon fat, beef fat, or butter. I eat a lot of meat and love the fatty parts the best. I love all sorts of seafood and often eat the fishy-smelling or rubbery ones like chunk lite tuna, sardines, anchovies, oysters and squid. I eat liver and heart meat at least twice per week (with bacon and onions). I’ve tried and enjoyed other organs as well, but I don’t eat them on a regular basis. I love all sorts of processed meat products too, especially savory sausages of all sorts (hate sweet sausage though) and liverwurst. I adore only the stinkiest of cheeses… I love strongly-flavored fermented foods including real saurkraut, kimchi, yogurt, kefir, and miso.

Now I’m hungry again.