Distressing dream (somewhat pointless)

I’ve been having a lot of quite stressful dreams recently, but last night’s particularly affected me.

I’ve never met my dad, and have never really had any issues about that. The way I’ve always looked at it, I’m very fortunate to have a loving, supportive family, and don’t feel I’ve missed out. But last night, I dreamt that I was visiting him, and he was such a kind and gentle man, and we had such an easy, relaxed relationship that I woke up feeling - bereft. It was such a “nothing” dream in a way - we were cooking together, and laughing about how we’d made so much food we probably wouldn’t be able to eat it all before he had to take me to catch my train, but I’ve been feeling sad and tearful all day because of it.

Meh. Just needed to share that, don’t know why.


I don’t really have anything to say. I just wanted you to know someone’s thinking about you.

Jenny- you poor dear. That does sound upsetting. Are these dreams disturbing your sleep? Have you tried taking sleeping pills? They may allow you to sleep dreamlessly. Or maybe even some tea with valerian root. Worth a shot…

Ouch. That sounds like a rough one to wake up from.

I had a dream the night before last where, among various weird happenings, my dad showed up and invited me to live with him. The catch? He died eleven years ago, and there I am in the dream, wondering how on Earth to tell him he’s dead?

Dreams are weird.

Thanks everyone. Seeker74, the dreams aren’t disturbing my sleep, as such, it’s just the after-effects of them that get to me. Not much of a one for pills, but I may try the tea.

Oh, what a heartache dream!

I once dreamt that I was in my grandmother’s house. It was ten years after she’d died, but for some reason (in the dream) we were still cleaning out her stuff (IRL she was a pack-rat, but still…) Then I saw my grandmother’s ghost. Smiling kindly at us the way she used to. Now, you’d think “wow, a chance to communicate with my kind, loving Grandma. A chance to say ‘goodbye’… sniff

Except… in the dream she was NOT a kindly spectre version of her living self. She suddenly turned into a Holy-Mary-Mother-of-Grilled-Cheese, scary-ass, freaky-wicked, horror movie poltergeist! A horribly angry and vindictive spirit that scared the crap outta me. So very, very angry.

I woke up feeling hurt and betrayed. “What did I do?” I wondered what I may have done to incur such wrath from her in the afterlife. And then I got even more upset wondering , if maybe something had happened to her in the afterlife to make her that way! Something horrible to turn her into a tormented spirit. :frowning:

It took me hours to shake the malaise from that dream. I really, honestly felt ashamed as if I had done someting awful that would have made her disown me had she been alive.

That was the only time she was ever nasty in a dream though. In all others she’s been her usual self.

About six months after my father died, I had a dream where he visited me (at a gas station of all weird places) and told me to read his diary.

When I woke up, all I could think was, “I didn’t know my father. I didn’t know he kept a diary.” I felt really really awful about how shallow our relationship had been that I didn’t know something so important.

Except, well, he didn’t keep a diary. He never kept a diary. I was so angry with myself for something I told myself in a dream.

hugs for all

I’ve had several vivid dreams the past couple nights, which is unusual for me.

Two nights ago, I dreamed that I was playing some kind of game where the person who was “it” and two helpers would chase after the others and when they caught them, ask them questions to find out who was the “demon”. Suddenly, I wake up in a strange room. A couple people from work are there. I wondered if I had had a low blood sugar (a couple months ago, I woke up in the hospital after having one and thought I was dreaming), so I get up wander around. It turns out, I’m in my brother’s father-in-law’s house and he has medical equipment.

So they put me, and a bunch of other people on this turntable like device and strap us in, then we go on what could only be called an amusement park ride, only it’s a medical device. There’s a lady telling us to move our arms different ways.

Then the turntable turns on it’s side and deposits me in this plastic container which begins to fill with water. At that point I wake up, but not shockingly, it was this gradual transition from being in water to being on my bed.

Now last night, I dreamed that I was at work, only it was my parents’ house. My department was in the basement and our proofreading dept. was in the family room. There was a holiday coming up because everyone was excited to get finished and go home. I had to finish two pages and get them proofed. My partner in this was… Kelsey Grammar…

Anyway, several coworkers were there, as were my parents. It was their house after all.

Then I kept trying to get to this hotel with my wife and I can remember thinking that I should have been there already. Then, suddenly, I"m in the hotel room and looking through a phone book for a place to eat.

Not that I’m disturbed by these, but it’s just odd that I would have two vivid dreams two nights in a row, when I rarely dream

Eats_Crayons, when I was younger (8 or 9), I was convinced that the ghosts of my mother’s parents haunted my closet, and that if I misbehaved, they would punish me. I’ve no idea why I thought this – my parents would both make really good Dopers; they’re skeptical to a fault, really. They definitely didn’t tell me Grandma and Grandpa lived in the closet. And my grandmother was a wonderful, sweet person. I can’t remember her ever raising her voice, let alone terrorizing me. (My grandfather died when I was two and I don’t remember him at all, though I’m assured he was quite fond of me.) Whenever I think about it, I’m amazed by it. It’s just so bizarre.

I had a dream the other night that everybody had dispensed with shaking right hands when meeting, and just started grabbing right boobs. So, I dreamt that my friends and I were hanging out, and whenever someone new entered the room, a round of boob-shaking happened. It was all very nonchalant and natural. Like boob-shaking was a longstanding, traditional greeting.

Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Too funny!

Gotta love they way really weird ass stuff can happen in dreams, but all the other dreamland characters treat it as absolutely normal and everyday things.

A coupla days before my wedding, I had this dream wherein I was marrying another man. I wasn’t necessarily forced into it, I was doing it of my own free will, but I was doing it in spite of the fact that I didn’t love the groom and was in fact in love with my soon-to-be spouse Dave, who was at this dream wedding. (Obviously, I’m a little fuzzy on the dream’s circumstances.)

I remember having kind of a “lucid dreaming” moment when I was watching myself get prepared for this sham wedding and thinking, “But I don’t love him. I love Dave. I want to marry Dave. I’m supposed to marry Dave.” Then I woke up next to Dave (we were living together at the time) and had this feeling of relief wash over me. I gave him a hug, then fell asleep again. Into the same damn dream. And wake myself up thinking “But I want to marry Dave!” and start the whole process over again.

It did get rid of any thoughts of wet feet that I might have been having, tho’, so there was an upside.

Cold feet, surely? Not wet feet. Unless you were having doubts about your marriage whilst standing in a puddle.