Do Bluebell Icecream radio commercials make anyone else homicidal?

If you haven’t been (ahem) *lucky * enough to encounter them, above are YouTube videos of the basic idea.
I swear to god, the first time I heard one, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop, because I was SURE it was a parody commercial. When I realized it was for real, my jaw hit the floor.

Now every time I hear their commercials (and there are more variations of them than I could find online), I feel like committing mayhem.

Does anyone actually LIKE these things? It’s like having syrup poured into my brains.

I found them rather bland but pleasant. As far as annoying ads go they aren’t even on the chart.

Skip the ad, enjoy the ice cream :slight_smile:

As long as they keep turning out great ice cream, they can make their ad as schmaltzy as they want. As compared to other issues going on, this doesn’t even raise an eyebrow.

Never seen them before, and I’ve never heard of Bluebell Ice Cream. I assume it’s regional?

The commercials were definitely syrupy, like you say, but they were also pretty bland and forgettable. There are commercials that would make me homicidal way before this one. But I guess I could see if you had to watch it over and over again, it might drive you to unspeakable acts!

Blue Bell Marketing Area

Ah! Pretty big, but nowhere I’ve ever lived.

All those commercials did for me is make me crave blue bell icecream. Actually just reading the title of this thread did that.

Just took the 3 yr old grandson there for their plant tour this week…mmmm I went with the Blackberry Cobbler flavor at the end, he chose the Crazy Cookie Dough :cool:

Me, too. As a displaced Texan living here in Connecticut, I really miss Blue Bell ice cream.

They had the best jingle, too:

[singing] Blue Bell, the best ice cream in the country… [/singing]

The commercials in those links are indeed putrid. I’d never *seen *a commercial for Bluebell but the one they play on the radio does indeed make me want to kill something. Some Kenny Rogers sounding motherfucker singing something about mama calling out the backdoor “would you like some fresh churned icecream”. Grrrrrr. I can’t change the channel fast enough. At least the tv ad has cows(not that that mitigates the wretchedness of the rest of it).

As an ex-Texan, I’m a little homicidal that I can’t get Blue Bell at the local grocery store.

If there’s an Outback Steakhouse in your area, you can get your fix! They serve it for dessert.

I just *have *to ask… what in the heck are you sitting around watching commercials from 1996 for!? There’s not a lot of 15 year old commercials that will hold up.

That aside, they’re just ho hum to me. There are so many others that bring me to edge - I’ll take bland over insulting any day.

The bigger issue for me (also as a displaced Texan) is that I can’t get it here in Ca. Trust me, Blue Bell Ice Cream is nirvana.

I’m NOT!! They’re the ones who recycled the damnable things and keep playing them on the radio!

It isn’t even on the bloody “Oldies” or “Classic Rock” style stations - that I could understand, but nooo! They’re playing at least every hour on the pop-rock and top-40s channels! They’re practically unavoidable.

These style commercials should not be played for the demographic who listens to Lady Gaga and Ke$ha, for heaven’s sake!

They still have Top 40 channels? damn, who knew…

On a drive from Tennessee to Kansas City, MO I heard these radio commercials so often that I wanted to drive off the nearest cliff. Fortunately, there are blessed few cliffs on that drive.

Ha ha! Crazily, there is a grocery store here in Doha that stocks it; it’s a store that caters to expats. I guess there are enough Texans here (including myself) that they somehow (God knows how) managed to swing it. Mmm. Bluebell. My dad would buy no other brand when I was a kid. But if it makes you feel better, I still can’t get bacon.

Yes, it is very much like a Kenny Rogers type singing this sappy song. I used to imitate it with the faux country voice but it pissed off my ex-girlfriend a little too much! I looked up the song and found this site! Too funny, that I’m not the only one who hated this commercial! :wink:
“Mama hollerin’ thru the screen, would ya dang kids like some got-dang ice cream?” - LMAO -

I miss it too. “We eat all we can, then sell the rest!”

This makes me very happy.

And yes, those stupid commercials still make me want to stab things.

Yes, those radio spots are absolutely awful. I turn the radio off when I here the damn thing come on.