Have y’all seen that Taco Bellad with four white guys doing a capella rap, ending with, “Go, David, it’s your birthday”
reapeated ad infinitum and ad nauseam? Not that I ever ate at Taco Bell much anyway, but that ad has made me swear off EVER going there. It irritates me no end! Are there other commercials that make you want to puke on the tube?
If I hear that fucking “I’ve got the URGE to Herbal” commercial again I may just go running for the life of the unabomber, sans sending bombs to old college buddies, of course.
Old Navy, Old Navy, Old Navy Performance Fleece! Old Navy, Old Navy, Old Navy Performance Fleece!
I happen to find that new Jamie Lee Curtis cell phone commercial to be particularly insidious. She spends the whole time trying to quietly get out of this party without being seen or heard. Then, as she’s finally scott free, she shouts “BYE LOSERS!!!” at the top of her lungs. But perhaps I’m putting a bit too much thought into the continuity of a commercial.
Also, while I know I’m gonna get pelted with sharp rocks for saying this, I do actually kinda like that other Taco Bell commercial. Y’know, the one with all the guys standing in a circle singing “Encherito” over and over again. I know it’s stupid, but somehow, it’s so weird it’s funny.
I know what you mean Darby. Everytime I hear the sing that, I get the urge to verbally abuse them.
The Taco Bell commercial is very annoying, I don’t eat there, I prefer authentic mexican food. The AT&T collect commercials have maxed me out on the idiot that always stars in them.
One commercial I do like is the one for the Discovery channel, two guys dressed up as mosquitos or mosquitoes (where is Dan Quayle when I need the idiot).
We have some locally produced commercials that any fifth grade acting class could do better.
Oh, well, that is my input.
“My name is David. My friends call me “G”. One hungry young dawg I be. I’m cool like a penguin, slick like a tuxedo, so hook me up with my gooey Encharito…Go David, it’s your birthday.”
Sorry, I had to.
No one commercial bothers me. It’s usually a whole group of commercials from one product. Like The Gap, Old Navy, and the newer Pepsi commercials with that little girl in them. Also, 1-800-COLLECT, 10-10-220, and all other phone commercials. Those anti drunk driving commercials like the one where they show the ultrasound picture and then it says something like: “Abby Danielle, killed by a drunk driver on her way to being born.” Not because I approve of drunk driving but because it’s just so damn sad. Okay, I’m sure that there are more, but this is enough for now.
Ahh. The atmosphere. Ahh.
These kind of crack me up - I wonder if they auditioned actors to see how badly they could pretend to act, or if they really just pulled random people to read cue cards while dressed up like mosquitoes (from WWWebster: "Inflected Form(s): plural -toes also -tos) or meteors or partially-digested fish. But while watching croc week I kind of got sick of them.
Where do you people live?!? I’ve never seen ANY of these commercials, and I watch a LOT of television.
Apparently not enough…
My God! Freak! I can’t believe there is another person on the planet who likes that commercial! It KILLS me! I especially love the guy singing in the high voice. I don’t know what it is, but I totally crack up every time I see that.
Goboy here in Oakland there’s another version of that same commercial(same guys and all) with an annoying Yani, Tiny Tim like song in it going something like "…oooh cherito, rito, rito…, "…oooh cherito, rito, rito… Repeat till puke. If thats not bad enough my kids start singing this crap every friggin time they here it. Argh…
I love that one!
There’s another commercial that gets me giggling everytime I see it, too (sorry, I know I’m bringing happiness and sunshine into the Sucky Commercials thread, give me a minute and I’ll be gone)…anyway, it’s for some beer and their new ‘keg can’. There’s a guy sitting on a porch reading and he says to someone off-camera, “Hey, throw me a cold one, would ya?” Suddenly he’s knocked straight backward off the porch through the railing by a flying keg. Love that one.
Hello, partially eaten fish.
Maybe I’m just dense. But, whatchoo talkin bout Alpha?
Sorry to confuse ya, Freak. It’s one of the poorly delivered lines in one of the Discovery Channel commercials.
Ohhhh, I thought you were insulting someone!
I also cannot stand the new Taco Bell commarcials. Not only are they incredibly irritating, they are visually offensive. The people in them are so gross and cheesy looking, I’d rather be smelling the Taco Bell Dog. What stinks? Oh my God, Who dropped the chalupa baby!
Well, at least two more. I can’t help it… the “It’s ooey, it’s gooey, it’s your old friend encherito” lines gets me every time.
I think the Herbal Essences shampoo commercial is hands down the most eye-gougingly, crotch-jabbingly, infertility-inducing ad ever shown on television.
[Edited by Lynn Bodoni on 07-12-2000 at 10:53 PM]
However, a few GOOD commercials (hard to believe, but true):
The IBM flying car commercial: “It’s the year 2000, and I don’t see any flying cars. Where are the flying cars? I was promised flying cars. Why are there no flying cars? Why? WHY?”
The Lexus ones w/ Joe scamming money in creative ways.
The Passat commercial with the cookie on the ground.
Chili’s Restaurant wasn’t bad enough with ‘I want my baby back baby back baby back baby back…’
Now they have that equally, if not more obnoxious ‘skim-duh-bam-duh-boom-skimmy-bam-boom.’ I want to slap the goofy looking blond, and smash those three waiters (one white, one black and one Asian, of course) heads together when they say that phrase with their phony excitement.