Do doomsayers inherently encourage suicide or other extreme action?

Another good question clarifying your POV.

Another great answer as far as it goes. Picking up from there …

I’d ask @Leaper who is this putative “someone”?

Are you speaking of your next door neighbor, your cousin, some college professor in civics class, or a talking head on CNN or Faux? Remember that the Reactionary Right is claiming everything they are doing is to defend glorious and perfect American Democracy from the predations of the evil Left.

I hope you understand that each of those speakers has different motivations. “Consider the source” has been sound advice since the Ancient Greeks.

Speaking just for me, I’m motivated to speak about anything, be it trivial or profound, because I desire someone to have the information I’m imparting. For the purpose of informing / altering their decisions. Generally to what I predict is their benefit, and usually to mine as well.

I do not give a shit what the info does to their emotions. I want altered behavior, not altered feelings. Feelings are useless until they lead to behavior.

I think the catch is that you’re assuming that the doomsayers know it all and are right. This is clearly not true, if you look at the historical record.

Just look at all the doomsaying that went on back in the day- “the world’s going to end in a nuclear WW3!” It was really shrill, and irrational to the point where some people were so afraid that they were advocating policies that were counterproductive and more likely to let one side or the other feel like they had enough of an advantage to actually start some shit, which would have actually been bad.

But it didn’t turn out that way, did it? Nope. No nuclear war, no WW3, nothing close to that actually happened. So the doomsayers were absolutely, totally, and unequivocally wrong in that case. There’s no reason to believe that they’ll be right this time around either- in all likelihood, there’ll be a path that’s somewhere between the rosiest of outcomes and the worst of the outcomes- probably close to the middle in fact. Sometimes it varies a little bit, but usually the worst does not come to pass, just like the best rarely does either.

So basically there’s always a competing opinion and always alternatives to the doomsaying, so don’t put too much credence in it.

It just occurred to me …

I sure hope @Leaper’s username is not a reference to a penchant for standing on high places considering a leap into oblivion. In the OP they assert they’re fine in terms of suicidal ideation. I hope that is actually true.

Even the examples on this message board?

Literally anyone, including posters here.

Not quite the focus of what I’m asking about. I did in another thread I started, but not this one.

The important part is that the doomsayers in question themselves fully believe what they’re saying. (Though obviously not all do.) What I’m saying is, when I read someone, from a random Doper to a nationally exposed pundit, say something like “we’re screwed” or “American democracy is over if Trump is elected [and he is],” I hear an inherent message they’re trying to send me and persuade me of: it’s hopeless, your life will be ruined, the fascists will come for you and your friends and put them in camps.

It’s not about believing them in this case. I’m saying they are sending and trying to spread that message, whether deliberately or not.


While you didn’t believe me the first time, I suppose you have no reason to believe me now, but no.

Of course the people on this message board and anywhere else on the internet.

It’s the world we live in. Fast paced news feeds, social media. Screamers on nutso channels.
You have to have a on board filter.

It’s not easy. I know.