Do farts contain fecal coliform bacteria?

And can you get sick from smelling/inhaling it?

Farts filter through your pants. Only the gas gets through. Even if you’re not wearing pants, the bacteria is all mixed in the shit and isnt going to get blown off easily. Short answer - no danger.


Very unlikely.

**Unfortunately, bacteria can be airborne, so this doesn’t help you a whole lot. In fact, coliform bacteria would be fairly common in cultures of the skin of your lower limbs, for precisely the reasons Earthling is concerned about. However, that doesn’t mean you are likely to inhale a sufficient quantity to make you sick. I’m sure someone wants a cite for that culture statement, so I’ll wander off to find it.

Yes bacteria can be airborne, but I really doubt you’d get any in a fart. You could try farting on a petrie dish and trying to grow cultures…

I am having trouble finding a cite. I don’t believe it’s because my statement is untrue, but rather because it’s beside the point and of little consequence to most of the articles and such out there.

I should clarify what I said earlier. Pants will filter the gas - probably even the majority of bacterial organisms. If they’re, say 98% effective, you still get 2% penetration. Of an admittedly miniscule portion of the bacteria in your large intestine. However, we’re talking about big numbers here, as you can gather from this source…

**Nonetheless, if you get a scrape on your thigh or other nearby skin, chances are much greater that any infection resulting will be from Staph or other flora resident before you started farting.

Now, where’d I put that petri dish?

Fart on a petri dish, and you will get colonies galore, thru pants or not.

QtM, MD, with fond memories of Microbiology lab.