Do g orillas respond to porn?

In my never ending quest to explain to my wife that pornography is not something that only appeals to perverts, I have referred to a study that I may or may not have actually read or heard about. Is it true that gorillas actually get sexually aroused by watching pornography? I seem to have heard or read something to that effect. I’d like to claim that erotic imagery has been part of every culture and even extends to the (other) animal world, but I think I need some actual citations to make such a claim. I think I’m ok with the universal cultural claim, but I need help with the rest of it. (Like it would make any difference, anyway). thanks, boys and girls, for any help. xo C.

I have no idea what the answer may be but I have a serious problem with the reason you give for wanting it. I doubt the answer will make any difference to your wife in any case. It would make no difference to me.
The fact is that in general men are much more stimulated visually than women and that is not wrong or right, it just is. Gorillas have nothing to do with it. Your wife seems to not understand men but I can’t see how she needs to understand gorillas before she understands men.

Lucy the chimp did and masturbated herself witha vacuum cleaner, so it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that a Gorillas raised in a human context with humans might, but Gorillas in the wild might have an entirely different social/sexual arousal context, so for them it might be a different story.

Are you kidding, they go apesh*t!

Confusion creeping in here. Are we talking gorilla porn, where a gorilla is watching two male and one female gorilla having bi sex in the hollow of a felled tree? Or, is this gorilla watching humans tripping the bi fantastic? I don’t see a human getting turned on by watching a gorilla pound his monkey, and , I don’t see the reverse. Maybe it’s just me.

I don’t know aboug gorillas, but it’s been shown that fish respond to porn.

Do gorillas respond to porn? I don’t see why they wouldn’t. Psychological studies have shown that if a female gorilla is placed where a male can see her but not get to her (e.g., behind a pane of glass) the male will masturbate. Not much different from a human male masturbating to Playboy.

Just noticed the very good point brought up by ltfire. Are we talking about gorillas watching gorillas or gorillas watching humans?

Ain’t no way this argument is going to get you where you’re trying to go, CC. Even if you come up with the evidence, she’s just going to say that it means only that gorillas are perverts.

Try telling your wife that male gorillas like to fuck several females and if restricted to one female they would get bored with the monotony and lose interest. See where that takes you.

I read that some zoos have used videotape of other animals having sex to encourage rare animals to breed. I also seem to recall reading that Koko the Gorilla expressed sexual desire towards humans, andvaguely recall something about her watching human porn, though I’m not sure about that last part.

Well, I read this article in Maxim and oh my God I just invalidated any possible thing I might have to say here!

Anyway, Gorillas have really small dicks, like 2" long (but proportionately kinda thick). They may be fascinated with human porn, but might have a hard time replicating (Aping! Ha!) what they see.

Yes, Koko liked Playgirl and would rub her genitals on the page. Interesting that a gorilla would respond sexually to human porn, isn’t it? Shows how much our environment influences our sexual taste.

Sorry, didn’t provide citation as requested… it was, uh, some book about gorillas…

I’ll see if I can find it. Good luck with your wife. Maybe she would prefer if you masturbate while gazing admiringly at her?

That would be Dirty pervy gorillas for perverts with way too much interest in gorillas wanking by Desmond Morris, wouldn’t it?

I have read–somewhere, sorry, no citation–that animals who interact with humans consider themselves to be part of the club, and elevated socially over other animals. Koko, in one of her transcribed conversations, said specifically that she didn’t like the other gorillas because “they’re not human [smart] like you and me.” Which adds an even creepier dimension to her love for PLAYGIRL models…

I have got to get that book.

I just figured that’s why they’re called Mountin’ Gorillas.

Male gorillas do typically have harems, so this is not too far off the mark. I don’t know if they get bored if confined to only one however. I don’t think that gorillas have nearly the rate of sexual activity on general as chimps, humans, or especially bonobos. Bonobos in particular have a lifestyle that seems to consist of one continuous pansexual orgy.

Seems to me that I have heard of “gorilla porn” (film of gorillas mating) being used to give the idea to individuals raised in captivity who did not really know how to do the deed, never having seen it done before. (I think “panda porn” may be used to get pandas in the mood too.) No cite, because of course googling “gorilla porn” is hopeless.

This may be taking us somewhat far afield, but FWIW Dr. Francine “Penny” Patterson’s “transcriptions” of “coversations” with Koko are, how do I put it, viewed with extreme skepticism by mainstream primatologists and psycholinguists.

What to other people looks like Koko signing “me me me run run run chase chase chase” is to Patterson a complicated sentence referencing Koko’s time as an infant in the wild.

What to other people looks like Koko picking up multiple objects, including a magazine, in a room and carrying them around is to Patterson an example of Koko responding to porn depicting human males because she is rubbing it against her genitals.

As to the OP, I do believe that male Gorillas can be sexually stimulated by seeing an image of a femael Gorilla in a “receptive” pose. I also believe, along with numerous other posters, that this fact is unlikely to address your wife’s concern with you viewing pornography.

Somebody on this board recently referenced a book called, I believe, “Why Men Look at Pornography” or words to that effect. It sounded like an interesting book (no comments from the peanut gallery) that addressed the way both genders look at (in many senses of that term) pornography, and why it often raises such conflicts within heterosexual couples. Does anybody remember the cite?