Well, my question doesn’t entirely have to do with the title.
Humans are well-known for watching other people fornicate. They enjoy it, they get aroused by it - that’s why porn is such a big thing.
Do any other animals enjoy watching members of their own species “do it?” Do they intentionally seek out fornicating species-members and watch them, thus deriving some sort of pleasure (sexual or otherwise) from the “show?”
Not sure about porn but primates like human women. I once worked at a zoo where the primate keepers knew that a certain male orangutan like blonde women – a lot, if you know what I mean. There was a certain blonde primate keeper that would prompt him to start masturbating, and they would use that to their advantage when they were trying to breed him with another orang or collect a sperm sample. She’d walk in and he’d get all excited.
One day, that blonde keeper was off for the day. So over the radio comes a call for “any blonde female staffer, please report to the orang house.” Somebody showed up and helped further the preservation of the species.
But does this really count as porn for arousal or is it an instructional video? Being a gay male I could watch a man and a woman and learn from it, but not get aroused by it at all. (though some gays can).
I’m shocked that the facility couldn’t get by for a single day without another round of orangutan semen. Give the little feller a break now and then, folks.
A Radiolab podcast gave the (tragic) tale of Lucy the chimpanzee who was taken as a baby from the wild and raised by a human couple to see how “human” she could become. One anecdote mentioned is that Lucy masturbated to an issue of Playgirl.
IIRC however, they weren’t interested or showed more interest in reproducing. So while we do proactively show particular pandas porn, panda porn does not particularly pander to panda prurient interest.