Do I need to get a liscense to buy and sell BB Guns and/or airsoft rifles.

My business buys from a sporting goods distributor and until recently never had any sort of firearms for sale.

In 2013 they now have a few models of BB gun and a couple airsoft rifles.

I do not plan on getting into any higher caliber but might be fun to get some BB guns on the shelves.

My question is, will i need a permit for this? I cannot find any information on it.

My store is in Wisconsin.

No federal laws, perhaps at the state or local level. I believe NYC, for example, doesn’t allow toy guns that are not vividly colored.

Was able to find a little blurb in a Wisconsin law book that just said…“Wisconsin does not recognize BB guns as a firearm as long as there is an orange marking around the tip”

Legal questions go in IMHO. Moved from General Questions.

samclem, moderator