Do people still spontaneously combust?

How about the flesh eating bacteria or mad cow?

Have these afflictions been eradicated from the earth?

Cuz, y’know…you just never hear about 'em anymore…


I was just thinking about spontaneous human combustion on my drive in this morning.


Damn, it was cold.

Well, it’s obvious you and I have brilliant minds, Jon.

gets distracted by shiny thing


Is that pretty or what?

No. These days you have to file an Environmental Impact Statement with the proper authorities first.

LolaCocaCola and Jonathan Chance, please stop gawking at me long enough to help me put this fire out…

Anyone else wonder this lately? Maybe we’re all wired together… I was just wondering this as well.

Er, since people never spontaneously combusted to begin with, the answer would have to be “no.”

Carry on.

I doubt very much that flesh eating disease has been eradicated. I have encountered at least two people who have had it.

One being a boy I met who got it in his leg. (We were selling cookies that day, he was the son of one of the leaders who’s house we were at.)

The other being my own Grandma. If she hadn’t survived it I would never have been born as she contracted it in her nose before my father was born. She ended up in the hospital and now doesn’t have the upper part of her nose (instead of the usual straight bridge up the cartilidge there is gone so her nose is normal at the start then is just flat) If it hadn’t been stopped it would have gone to her brain.

I also know that within recent years (about 4/5) she was on the news when someone in the city got it and it made the news.

Flesh eating bacteria and mad cow disease have not been eradicated, unfortunately. Right now I know of one case of each, both patients are in the same hospital here in Edmonton.

[hijack]Heylo fellow Edmonton doper!![/hijack]

The flesh-eating bacteria is more common now than it was a couple years ago, due to our abuse of antibiotics. It is very hard to treat. I’ve seen pictures of it, and it’s downright scary.

Which begs the question: do flesh-eating mad cows spontaneously combust?

My roomate has a tendancy to spontaneously combust when I try to argue with him. He’s some brainiac with a degree in physics, math, and computer science. I like to bait him by asking him to explain why 1+1 does not equal two, and then disregarding everything he says and saying “well, in my world, 1+1=2.”

Drives him nuts. :smiley:

Their contribution to global warming is dreadful.

Hooooweeeee, you do not want open flame around mad flesh eating cows…

As Cecil said, no.

You have to light 'em first, from a safe distance and wearing protective clothing, with a faith healer (in case you get flash burns), a can of petrol (in case you have difficulty lighting them) and a cold beer (in case you get thirsty) standing by, and then, boy do they combust! :smiley:

I smell the makings of a future joke here:

Q. What goes Mooooo MoooOOooOooooo MooooOOooo KABOOOM???

Actually, now that there are personal, belt mounted fire extinguishers, spontaneous combustion is pretty much a thing of the past.