Do they really have used panty vending machines in Japan?

A radio host I was listening to this morning claimed that there are vending machines in Japan that dispense used, unwashed panties. And that Japanese men like to buy the panties and then sniff them throughout the day.

Someone please tell me this isn’t true!

Snopes is your friend, but in this case, it’s true–sort of.

And I found that by Googling “japan panty vending machines”. :wink:

Hmm. I guess some of this explains why my panties were stolen in the Tokyo area. I stayed with a friend’s relatives once and hung my underwear to dry on their clothes line. In the morning they were all gone! I was pissed. :mad:

After reading this thread I checked ebay and noticed that it has a policy that one can’t auction used panties.

I saw a machine for pantyhose (new ones) in Japan.

while strolling down the high street in great yarmouth (a really cheesey town in england) i passed a small vending machine, the type you get bouncy balls and stuff like that out of, which was labelled ‘used granny pants’!!

after throwing up at the thought of owning a pair of ‘used granny pants’, i continued merrily on my way!

I have never seen vending machines for panties, but that’s probably because I live in the sticks.

But I’ve seen them for drinks (hot and cold), cigarettes, rice, batteries, ice cream, perishable foods, cup noodles, condoms and magazines.

stray thought - a search of your computer history would keep investigative type folks going 'round & round for years


Oh yeah…


Since Japan has finally jumped on the international bandwagon and started taking child prostitution semi-seriously, the used panty business has picked up somewhat as a legal alternative (I noticed the OP hadn’t mentioned this (but Snopes did), but a frequent selling point was that they had belonged to a schoolgirl). They aren’t sold in vending machines any more, but I have seen sex toy shops selling them indoors. As I’m less interested in the underwear than in its contents (I never understood those kids who would open their Christmas presents and then just play with the wrapping), I didn’t buy a pair to have it checked for authenticity.

Here’s a news story about a used panty shop getting caught offering a little too much

Bloo Sailor Bust Soils Store’s Fame

It’s unclear from the article whether the store’s name is “Bloo Sailor” or “Boo Sailor”. Editing standards for the English-language newspapers here are pretty low.

And if you’re wondering about the highlighting, I did a search for “panties”. The other stories that came up are listed on the left side. Seems like a lot of police and military personnel out there with panty fetishes.

I live in the sticks but found one such vending machine near my home on Saturday.

I just saw a documentary that had a segment about this the other day. Yes they really do. But for legal reasons they are advertised and sold as fake, novelty, fresh/new/unworn panties. But they are actually pre-worn. There’s an understanding that despite being sold as clean, they are actually pre-pussified and not clean at all.

just realized this was an old thread.

Old thread but interesting video update. The roadside adult vending booth on a mostly empty road is a strange but logical thing.

But is there a market for pre-worn condoms? Apparently, in Japan such would not be surprising.

If these things do exist, it seems that the concept is somewhat easily abused. How would you know who (or what) had worn the items, or even if they had been worn at all? What makes a particularly choice pair of knickers? Would you be able to ask for a refund if you didn’t find sufficient evidence of schoolgirl? Surely an unscrupulous panty-vendor would have numerous quick and cheap ways to simulate that special worn look/smell/feel/etc. What would make an effective recipe for a fake? A misting-spray gun, some water and an anchovy springs to mind.

What a coincidence! There is someone currently selling used panties on the Tokyo CraigsList.

http: // tokyo. craigslist. jp / cas / 4955144247. html

When I lived in Japan circa 1991 - 95, this was known. Actually, at the time, Tokyo Journal, a foreign lifestyle magazine in Japan, researched this. IIRC, it was a basically a porn movie actress/hooker recruiting deal. The percentage of women (school girls IIRC) of legal age, willing to sell used panties were statistically pretty high for also being willing to be featured in a porno movie and/or prostitution. The real profit came from the “acting” versus just covering the overhead with the worn panties.

Vending machines in Japan sell freaking everything! My favorite was hard boiled detective noir branded whiskey “Cobra” - my friends dad still has an unopened bottle for 30 years ago. I can’t find a link and posted on the dope nearly 15 years ago on the same topic.

On a semi-related tangent, I’ve been on the Tokyo subway many times and there is way less sex going on there than some websites would have you believe.