Do we like Life? I'm thinking I do.

Anyone else following Life? I usually miss the first half, but I’ve been catching up on line.

I like the Charlie’s personality. I’m not sure how he’s going to deal with Dani when she finds out her father is a dirty cop.

BTW, did he (Dani’s dad) jump? I left the room for a minute.

What happens now? Obviously, Charlie is going to continue to persue whoever set him up.
At least it wil be easier not having to dodge the hairy eyeballs in the station.

I need to go watch Monday’s episode, as usual, I missed the first half.

It beats the alternative. :smiley:

No, Jack didn’t jump.

He apparently went to the hospital where the killer’s daughter was taken, got her out, and somehow got rid of the records of her having been there. Then he called Charlie and told him “I have the girl,” meaning Charlie’s partner’s daughter, who was in the house during the murder. It turns out that she is the same person as the killer’s daughter. Or at least that’s what Jack told Charlie.

They hit the ball out of the park with this last episode.

I think the show, overall, has gotten better written as it’s gone along. The only thing that kept me watching after the first couple of episodes was the overall good acting and the insane hotness of Sarah Shahi.

The thing I loved about this episode was that it showed just how much of a badass Charlie could be if he wanted to…and then showed the line he wasn’t willing to cross.
After not killing anyone (that I can recal) the whole series till now, he offed those two fake cops without batting an eye. And then was able to restrain himself from killing Hollis.

The only thing I didn’t like about last night’s episode was the standing ovation Charlie got at the squad room. Seemed a little too good to be true, and the combination of slo-mo and background music made me think of the ending of every episode of Cold Case.

My favorite lines of the night were Dani’s “How about a warm gun covered in meat sauce?” to the snake lady, and Ted’s “Please tell me I’m not Higgins!”

Agreed. I felt like you saw what was underneath that Zen-quoting, off-beat, quirky persona that he wears. And it ain’t pretty.

Yeah, I’ve noticed the violence lying just below the Zen in a couple episodes. It becomes almost visible whenever he has to re-enter the prison where he was housed.

I don’t like violence, but for some reason, it’s intriguing. Maybe because he does restrain it so very well.

I agree, this show has gotten better and better as it’s gone on. I love the relationship between the characters, and as I’ve mentioned before, I really love that so many actors from Deadwood are showing up in it.

They’ve done an excellent job bringing out Charlie’s darkness–you know that time in prison had to have scarred him horribly, yet he kept it covered with that Zen facade, but the closer he’s gotten to the heart of the mystery, the more it’s come out. Very well done.

I’m really looking forward to more of this show. Please let the strike end soon!

There’s a TV show named “Life”? How lame and generic. “Life” has already been a magazine, a board game, a computer game/simulation/thingy, and a breakfast cereal.

Love this show. One think I particularly like, which hasn’t been mentioned yet, is that they avoided the ‘shipper’ trap. Seems like every recent show with a man and a woman lead has slipped into this sexual-tension-will-they-and-when thing that is very irritating. Charlie and Dani have a believable partner relationship that is free from any sign they’d ever get together, ever. And I like that.

That’s exactly what I came in here to say. I hope they continue in this direction, because I really like the show!

I love how this show is so much more than a typical procedural crime drama, and not just because of the conspiracy arc. The characters are genuinely interesting, and I enjoy spending an hour with them a week. It’s the little details that make them so compelling, like Charlie’s reaction to the physicist last week talking about particles being here and not here. His face was a vision of pure delight.

Me too. Not only is that refreshing, but it makes exploring their growing respect for one another really interesting because it doesn’t come with any shipper baggage.

Yes. I said that I love their relationship, and you’ve articulated exactly why. They’re partners, so there is a mutual respect there, but no sexual tension. He drives her crazy, but not in that “We’re going to jump each other any minute” way.

I really like this show, and came in to add to what people say about Crewes’ violent side.

What struck me about last night, was that he didn’t mind destroying everything to get revenge. Once he found out where Hollis was, he left his partner, left a case, drove a long way, and walked into a house with his gun drawn ready for action. I don’t think he’ll care for being a cop once this gets resolved.
And that’s why I believed the standing ovation in the squad room. (from all but his boss BTW) He spent 12 years wrongly incarcerated and got out and found the criminal responsible! I’d stand up for that.

One of the things that’s great about Charlie is I can completely sympathize with Dani. I can respect him and think he’s bright and funny and still think that after fifteen minutes I’d want to kill him.

The other day, someone mentioned a rabbit and I said, “Fifteen pounds of pure bunny.”

I know I’ve been thinking about a show when a quote like that just pops out of my mouth.

And to think I almost ALMOST gave up on it after a couple of episodes. I wasn’t feeling it. Now I am.

Maybe a wee bit more Adam Arkin. That’d be nice. “Am I Robin?” “Am I Alfred?” “Oh god, don’t tell me I’m Higgins!”

I just watched this episode last night. Sorry I waited so long, there were several times that I was sitting there with my mouth open. Like when the SUV broadsided Crews. And then when it was driven by hired guns. And then when Crews shot BOTH of them from the wreckage of the upside down car. I think that car was a little too undamaged considered it got hit by a big SUV. But anyway.

Crew’s old partner seems to be more and more vindicated all along. I think they started setting that line of thought up when he gave Crews his old service weapon back, he didn’t have to do that.

Doesn’t Crews have enough to put Dani’s dad away with or without the girl? Or does he just want to go for the grand slam?