I think it’s a great policy and all, but I think maybe this sticky thread has outlived its usefulness, and it wouldn’t hurt to free up a front-page slot in that forum.
It was put up nine months ago, during a particularly politically charged time, when GQ moderators were really cracking down on political asides, enough to cause some complaints. manhattan seems to have put it up as a quick thought to address this. I don’t think the notice was intended to last this long, and it’s not as big a problem in GQ anymore.
Maybe we could combine the two stickies into one like they have in Cafe Society. Put all the rules for General Questions together.
Um, I don’t want to throw out the rule. In fact I said the opposite.
When I said it’s not as big a problem, I’m basing it on my observations, that far fewer people are being warned about it, and far fewer threads are being closed or moved.
It’s possible, but I don’t think so. People are “getting away” with comments now that would have warranted action nine months ago. I assumed this was because the moderators didn’t consider it as high a priority anymore.