Do women use the bathroom at work?

I know most women urinate at work, that’s unavoidable, but what about taking a dump? My wife insists that she has never gone number two at work and would rather have her intestines explode than use the work potty. Furthermore she insists that she has never witnessed another woman at work take a shit either.

Since that conversation I have done some investigating at my office only to discover that none of the women I work with use the stall for solid waste transferal. I get the same strange look from them all as if to say, “What, you mean YOU shit at work?” Of course I do? Why else would they build the damn stalls???

On a secondary note I have a theory that the majority of straight men fold their toilet paper, while women crinkle it up into a ball. I for one fold, as did my father, and his father’s father. My mother crinkled.

I do, but only if I’m the only person in the bathroom. For some reason, taking a dump with someone sitting not 3’ from you in the next stall makes my intestines knot up.

In an ideal situation, a crap must take place in absolute solitude.

Fortunately, there are very few women at my job, so it’s usually not a problem.

If I’m in pain though, I could care less if there is a person in the next stall.

Only if I really have to! Oh, and crinkle. And yes, I am female.

Make that “must” a “should,” and add a “crinkle.”

Unless it’s an absolute emergency there is no way in hell I’m taking a shit at work (or any other public restroom).

And yes, I crinkle.

I get real pleasure knowing the company just paid me $4.60 to take a dump. :smiley:
I fold it’s just neater that way.

A woman’s gotta do what a woman’s gotta do. In case of emergency: yes, like it: no. Not if I can help it. And yes I crinkle so does that make you happy?

If I have a one-holer available, I won’t hesitate, but I will avoid it when multi-stalled facilities are my only option.

I crinkle, too.

Why is your wife observing other women’s bathroom habits?

I only take a dump while at work if I absolutely must, though NOT because I have a problem with it. Simply because it takes me a bit longer and I have other ahem crap to do.

The embarrassment factor just makes no sense to me, but then again it wasn’t so long ago I lived for three years in a dorm with communal bathrooms.

Now the splashback factor could be off-putting, since you don’t know what germs are in that toilet and women’s lower bits are somewhat more open than men’s. I postulate (though I am neither a doctor nor a toilet expert) that this may increase risk of some sort of infection.

See, that’s my view of it too!

Doesn’t it do damage or hurt when your holding it? I think folding is much neater than crinkling. When you crinkle don’t you create pockets where leakage might occur?

oh, and I crinkle, just for the record.

You know what, I honestly don’t know why she was monitoring other’s progress in the bathroom…maybe I should ask her…

With regard to the splashback factor, men have to worry about that too, though you are probably right, we are not as “open” to infection.

Only if I am in severe gastrointestinal distress will I even consider it. However, there are times when I am made uncomfortably aware that other women around me using the facility for this purpose. My philosophy is I’ll keep my bowels to myself and you do the same, 'kay? Oh, how I hate public bathrooms.

I poop at work every day around 9:30, usually after the first coffee/cigarrette break. However, if someone else is in the bathroom, I can’t go. I’ll just sit in the stall until they leave. Living in a dorm and sharing a bathroom with about 20 girls made me a very fast pooper though. And I don’t just crinkle… I wad. You just can’t cover as much surface area when you fold.

I dump at work as long as there’s no one in the stall next to me. Sometimes I’ll wait for the room to clear out but when you work with 100+ people on your floor the bathroom is rarely unoccuppied.

There are a lot of women here who don’t seem to have a problem taking a dump at work. They just sit down, rip a few loud farts and let the poop plop. It’s quite disgusting but not nearly as disgusting as when they use that nasty lemon scented bathroom spray afterwards. Yuck. It makes the bathroom smell like someone shit rotten lemons.

Oh, I fold my toilet paper… neatly! I can’t stand to crinkle.

Ya know, before reading this and other threads here, it would never have occurred to me to be embarrassed about using a toilet for its intended purpose. And since smoking has been banned in all federal buildings, the only things I encounter in bathrooms that disgust me are the unflushed commode and the wet seat.

Recommended reading: Everyone Poops. It’s not that big a deal…

  1. I don’t mind pooping at work, but if it’s the end of the day, and I have the choice to wait 10 mins till I get home to my nice, private potty, or do it now, I’ll go home. But I usually wait until nobody else is in there, so I don’t kill anyone. (Ours has only 3 stalls, it’s obvous who did it by the shoes…)

  2. I crinkle. Increases the surface area, getting more in one go. And it’s not as anal [sub]pardon the pun[/sub] as folding your butt-wipe into a nice little rectangle.

  3. Hi Opal!

When folded properly it’s a square!

[sub]not that I’m anal or anything[/sub] :slight_smile:

There’s nothing I hate more than an unflushed reminder of poopers past. I’m drawing some very interesting information out of this thread. It seems that most women do not enjoy using work bathrooms (not including public bathrooms for those of you who don’t have a private employee’s only bathroom- I wouldn’t set my cheeks down on a public crapper to save my life.) Also it seems that only 2 women fold while the rest crinkle. This leads us to the question: Why? Are men and women taught to wipe differently when we are being raised? Is it instinct?

It does not increase surface area! If you roll such a large bundle then you are using a tremedous amount of TP!

Oh, sorry, no offense there… I don’t mean to imply that you have a large bottom, I’m just saying that crinkling uses much more paper than folding (this is another argument my wife (who lovingly always leaves me with NO TOILET PAPER!!!) and I have from time to time.)