But since I seem to be seeing the end of my days, I just wanted to let y’all know that when I go to sleep at night, I “cover up” with my SDMB friends, and I pull all the “warmth” up around my neck, and close my eyes and think about you.
Y’all are too numerous to mention, but I love you with all my heart.
In case anyone was in any doubt, this is why the SD is so very important to many. What ever internal troubles may be occurring, the community is what really matters. It may mean different things to different people, but the Straight Dope’s got soul. And for the sake of people like Quasimodem, we mustn’t lose it.
Our thoughts are with you, Quasi. Keep on truckin’.
We know, Quasimodem- you’re very good about telling us and it’s much appreciated. Just drop it with the “I’m an asshole” stuff, okay? You’re not. Hope you’re well, and keep posting.
Quasi, what have I been telling you for YEARS about being down on yourself like this, hmmmm? Love you, too. Now quit being morbid and take care of yourself.
There’s an old, really long joke about all the parts of the body debating about who was in charge and in the end, the asshole turns out to be the boss.
None of you guys qualify either as assholes, or the boss. I may not be all so comfortable with Quasi pulling us up around his neck and having sweet dreams and such, but I get the sentiment and back it completely.
Hey asshole - I sent you a PM the other day to ask where you’ve been since “the dust up” and you never responded. You started this assholish thread, instead!
Glad to see you’re still around and you still are feelin’ the love.
I’m here to jump on the “I have known assholes, I’ve been friends with assholes, and, sir, you are no asshole” bandwagon. I’m just glad somebody’s benefiting from my warmth at night!
'Preciate it. Blanked out on the job a week ago. Can’t do that and work in the ER, and certainly not in a code and certainly not with something that I have done a thousand times before. Resigned. Not on the blog yet. Still writing it, but soon.
I always said that if this shit got to the point where I’d be a danger to a patient, I’d quit. So i did.
I’m really sorry, Quasi. I know how difficult of a decision that must have been. May I say though that I find your resolve to adhere to your principles and be forward thinking quite admirable? My heart’s with you, friend.