When I think back on all the truly sick and twisted, cruel people I have known in my life, and the rude, nasty customers, I realize that very few of them were significantly overweight. In fact, if I had to pick a body type that has caused me more misery in my life, it is petite women. Especially blonde, petite women. Blonde, petite, ambitious women have caused me more emotional pain, job stress, financial distress and significant loss than any other body type. I can really think of only one seriously overweight woman that I want to avoid like the plague, and one moderately bulky guy. And the wandering whackos that come in my store and spout outrageous diatribes are all of normal weight.
And when I looked for a teenage babysitter for my kids, I was more interested in getting a plump band kid who got good grades than a skinny airhead cheerleader-type. Mainly because I was one myself, but also because they were reliable, available, and trustworthy. I’d rather have a squishy, cuddly kind of girl babysit and read to my kids, than a skinny girl who ignores the kids and talks to her friends on the phone all night.
I suspect that the OP is a slender person who hasn’t had a significant relationship with someone who is overweight. Otherwise you would realize that sometimes, people gain weight because they like food, and they aren’t obsessed with what their body looks like. For example, a mother-to-be who is more concerned with eating properly during her pregnancy than limiting her weight gain so that she’ll look good after she has the baby seems to me to be the more well-adjusted woman, emotionally, even if she ends up weighing more than she’d like after the baby is born.
Sometimes, as I watch very thin moms out jogging with their baby in a high-tech jogging strollers, I worry about their mental health. They seem so desperate, and anxious, and I worry that they are driven not by health concerns, but by fear that their husband will reject their after-baby body. They don’t seem happy or calm, and I’m sure they are the kinds of obsessive soccer moms that are way too prevelant in my community. I don’t get an impression of nuturing and loving care from them…just stress-driven anxiety.
And that is my humple opinion!