Do you consider sex to be a recreational activity?

I’ve known that I couldn’t have kids since I was 14, so all sex has been recreational for me. My husband has never procreated and who was snipped long before I met him has always acted like it is great fun as well.

This does not mean that we want to recreate with anyone else, a lot of the fun involved is because we love each other.

Middle-aged hetro couple.

It was a chore.

“Do the dishes, vacuum the rug, blow me,…” on and on, so glad that’s over. :wink:

ETA: Gay man

Well, yes, I do consider it recreational. My sweetie and I certainly don’t do it to procreate. We are passed those days. We do it for fun, the release, intimacy, love and because we dig each other immensely in bed and otherwise. Neither he nor I like to go more than a few days without it. No “recreation” makes us cranky. :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel the same way about exercise. I always feel better after I do it.

Female, hetero.

New this fall on Fox: Laguna Beach Pro-Am Coitus Championships.

Ew… It’s recreational to the criminal…but not to the victim…

I’d really like to see some actual numbers on that, or at least a link to his statement if you can find it (I can read Spanish pretty well, but my Spanish google-fu is weak).

That huge numbers of young women choose abortion as birth control sounds like a lot of scare-tactic rhetoric I’ve heard over the decades here in the US, and AFAICT it’s never actually been the case.

Dammit, everything I think of a clever point, someone has already made it, and in a funnier way.

Sexual congress otherwise known as sexual intercourse.

Fundamentally it is the joining of two mammals to create a baby. That is the entire point of the liaison. Curiously the mammals involved don’t think of that but babies will out. Its irreducibly simple.

Uhh, why wouldn’t you be what the OP is looking for? Is there something unique about being a 40 year old dude in a relationship?

Anyway, of course sex is for recreation. If it weren’t, nobody would use birth control and we’d all have 1,000 babies. I am old and I have literally, not even once, ever had sex for any reason other than fun. Straight woman here, zero children.

Hetero male, here. Of course it’s recreational. We like doing it, don’t we? But that’s not all it is.

It’s like mathematics: It might have practical applications, but that’s not why we do it.

Nothing backed by actual studies, and each report I find gives different figures. So I guess you’re probably correct in that it was part of PP’s campaign for their recent change-back of abortion laws, as well as misreported to hell and back.

The mention of teen pregnancy in the OP, for one ;).

Oh, I guess I didn’t realize the OP bringing that up meant he was only looking for responses from teenagers. Carry on.

This sums up my stance, more or less, though I’m not too old to procreate. I’ve had a vasectomy, so sex clearly isn’t for procreation between me and my wife.

It feels good, it provides a release for a drive, and it is a wonderful connection.

Wait… you do math for …fun?!:eek:

I dunno when this “uptick” you’re talking about occurred, but I’m reasonably certain sex was fun long before that. As the song says, “not everybody does it but everybody should.”

Male, straight, 53, near-sighted.

Wait… are you admitting that you DON’T?! :eek:

Unless and until I start getting paid for sex, it is recreational.

Well, I don’t know that s/he was, precisely…but if we’re trying to discover if there is an increase among young people in viewing sex as purely recreational, thereby leading to more teen pregnancies, I would think that the views of teenagers would be most relevant.

I’ve even had one or two mathgasms!