Do you eat the "good" half first or second?

Definitely last. I just finished my egg drop soup with Chinese noodles before moving on to my veggie lo mein.

Bagels, sandwiches, pizza, steak: good half first

Cheesecake, pie: good half last

French fries, cookies: eat the best ones first. (However, eat the bite with the most chocolate chips last.)

I also take apart my burgers and reassemble them so that the ingredients are basically uniform, with a slight bias to the front end to account for the slippage that occurs during consumption. (I have had people laugh openly at me as I rearrange my cheeseburger.) But it is I who laughs last, as my last bite still has goodies on it!!!

I eat them both at once. I’m a small eater, and I don’t want to risk filling up before getting to the good part, while I don’t want my last bite to be of the less thrilling part. So I’ll trade off and have equal portions of both until I’m full.

Like many others, second.

In general, I’m not a big fan of vegetables. I eat 'em because I know I should, not because I really savor them. It’s not at all uncommon for me to quickly down all of the squash on my plate first, allowing me to enjoy without interruption the meatloaf and mashed potatoes (or whatever).

I also like to get the crust out of the way early when eating a piece of pie.

I eat the ‘good part’ last, like everyone else has said, saving it for last.
With bagels, it’s the top half that’s better.

As lieu said with cake, I’ll flip it on its side and eat the cake first and have an icing superstructure left to eat last. It’s like dessert after dessert!

With cheesecake, I’ll eat the crust edge first. The cheesecake-y middle part is best, so I eat that last.

With a good steak or rib-eye, I’ll save the rarest, reddest bite for last.

I eat the good part first because I often fill up too much to finish. The one exception is vegetables with a meal, because I hate it when they get cold.

But, Dead Cat, I’m with you on cake. I hollow out a piece of layer cake so I can languish in the fudgy goodness that is the frosting. (There’s no kind of frosting other than chocolate. Don’t try to tell me otherwise.) The cake just makes it look more respectable than eating a plateful of frosting.