Do you eat while pissing?

I’m at a conference today. I was in the lavatory washing my hands before lunch, and one of my follow conference attendies came in with a plate pile high with sandwiches. Food. In the bathroom. I thought he was lost. He sort of looked lost. He walked right up to the urinal, put his plate on top of it, and took a leak. I was tempted to stick around to see if he’d actually eat while pissing, but I was afraid he would and it would put me off my lunch.

Th fuck is wrong with people?!?

I, for one, do not eat during a number 1. Number 2 either for that matter. Seems icky.

Except fried chicken. That’s OK. :wink:


I know lots of folks who fully enjoy a good leak sandwich.

Certainly an odd thing. I don’t think I have ever done it. I doubt he will die from it, but it still doesn’t seem wise. I often stop and urinate as I leave for home at night and I am reluctant to take my briefcase in with me.

I haven’t ever eaten while on the toilet, but I’ve been known to take coffee in there with me if I’m going to be there a while.


I can’t even chew gum while going to the bathroom. Ick, ick, ick.

This next story isn’t quite about eating, but…

A couple of years ago, I was at a convention at a hotel. I went to the men’s room, and was standing at a urinal, doing my thing, when another guy walked in, and stood down the row from me. As he was peeing, he was simultaneously working on his Blackberry.

The first thing that came to my mind was: “That’s multitasking”. The second thing that came to my mind was: “How the hell do you keep from getting the Blackberry all nasty?” The third thing that came to mind was: “Jeez, pal, you couldn’t wait thirty seconds to answer that e-mail?”

I lived for a while in Winston-Salem, NC. I noticed while using the bathroom at work one day that the toilet paper dispensers had little grooves on top of them just the right size to hold a cigarette so it wouldn’t roll off.

For a moment, that fact registered purely with the part of my brain that said, “Well, sure, you’re having a smoke, you need to cop a squat, sooner or later, you’re going to need to set down that cigarette to get everything accomplished.”

Then the part of my brain kicked in that said, “Who in their right mind would put anything that’s been that close to a toilet in their mouth? Haven’t these people heard about toilet plumes?”

Well it was Winston -Salem, home of R J Reynolds.

I went to graduate school at NCSA in W-S, and my first year there was the first year that smoking was banned in the library. You know, the building full of flammable paper objects.

The story about ashtray locations in our building on campus was: the Dean lit a smoke at the front of the building, started walking, and wherever he needed to ash, an ashtray was installed.

The day after the smoking ban went into effect in that building, all of the ashtrays were removed. The next morning, there was an empty soda can taped to the wall at each location.

They takes the ciggies seriously in Winston.

At least one of our mods has a taste for 'em!

Not where anyone can see me.

No, but I whistle.

never on purpose but I may have pissed while eating once or twice if there were sneezing or laughing involved

Urine is sterile.

Sterile you want, just don’t pee while I’m eating.

Yeah, so what’s your point?

Surely you won’t mind if I piss on your sandwich, then.

I’ve never eaten while going #1 or #2… though I will smoke while going #2, or text/email/talk on the phone occasionally.

Only in my home, though. Talking while shitting in public has to rank right up there with bringing a baby into a movie.

Never in public.

On occasion I’ll grab a cookie or something on my way to the bathroom (I’ve got a serious sweet tooth problem, I know). But I’ve never eaten while actually doing something on the toilet.