Do you enjoy shopping?

I like grocery shopping. Except when the store is filled with lots of old people and children. Oblivious, barely sentient flying boulders of flesh. I prefer my Humans to be aware of their surroundings and capable of interacting with it properly.

Not a big fan of other shopping in general. I go in, get what I came for, and leave.

My co-worker buys all of his clothing on-line. I don’t get it. I’m not buying any clothing I can’t physically touch, check out and perhaps even try on before I take it home. Well, ok, other than a very few items, like the awesome winter coat I bought on-line.

I like shopping by myself or my daughter - we just go in, get what we came for, buy and leave.

Shopping with my wife is more of an exercise of whether I remember to bring a book. So, yeah, kind of enjoy those too.

Overall, I enjoy shopping. Grocery shopping is OK (not ‘enjoyable’ actually but not a chore). Love shopping for clothes and stuff (makeup, perfume, handbags etc) for myself but not for others.

I need to buy a new refrigerator and I’m quite enjoying the process but the vast number, different styles, configurations etc is a bit overwhelming. I’m taking my time with this.

The only shopping I really find a chore is food shopping for special occasions.

I detest shopping for anything. The crumb cake sound good, though!

>>You left out my category, purposefully I suspect.

The only kind of shopping I really enjoy is at mega sporting goods stores like Cabela’s (RIP Dick) or Bass Outdoor Worlds. They are must-stops whenever I see them on road trips.

Pretty much don’t like any shopping - but I do sort of like getting new electronics and don’t mind puttering around in those departments.

I haven’t bought a car in ages, but I do recall it was kind of fun test driving and picking my first new car. Of course, the haggling about price was a royal pain.

The weirdest shopping day I ever had was when we decided to get a new toilet. You have no idea how strange it is to go to Home Depot and look at toilets, price them, compare differences…of all the things I have ever bought in my life, “pride in selecting a toilet” does not rank high on my list.

Didn’t answer because:

1/ insufficient of the negative answers commenced with the phrase “I absolutely fucking hate…”; and

2/ the only sort of shopping I enjoy is hardware/hobby shopping for fun projects.

My chromosome structure, from all evidence at this late date, is XY - which, I believe, precludes the possibility of “enjoying” any aspect of the necessity of exchanging money for goods or services.
As a further impediment, I am heterosexual, thereby precluding the one widespread exception to the “If XY, hates shopping” rule.
For instance: I enjoy the experience of have my hair cut, and all the attendant fussing and chatter so very much that I last did it in 1992.
I do hope that covers it.

I’m a woman and I hate shopping. I haven’t set foot in a mall or even a Target for years. If it’s not online, I don’t need it.

The last time I went car shopping, I ended up driving an Aston Martin, so there’s that :slight_smile:

I like grocery shopping. I kind of account for that because I used to work at one, and I like being able to just leave, rather than being stuck there.

Holiday/special occasion grocery shopping is a pain.

Buying clothes/electronics/cars for myself is just a chore.

Buying clothes for others is delightful (I bought everyone irreverent T-shirts last Xmas).

I like shopping for everything but groceries. Clothes shopping is stressful because women’s sizing is so out-of-whack, but I still like it well enough. My favorite kind of shopping is for little unnecessaries for myself or my partner. Nail polish, electronic doohickeys, shoes, books. I don’t get to do it often since I don’t have a lot of disposable income, but I sure do enjoy it.

Darn you to Heck. I love crumb cake but I’m on a diet.

I don’t like any shopping but it goes from don’t mind too much to hate it. I like going alone and in surgical strikes. I know what I want, hit the stores I need to, go right for what I need and I’m done before anyone knows I’m there.

I absolutely hate car shopping. I’m always stressed out that I’m not getting a good enough deal or that I am picking the wrong car. I always think I’m being screwed or simply that in hindsight I won’t like my choice. Its not completely rational. I do know how to do my homework before the purchase and I can’t be pressured into a sale. But its still stressful.

Are you a hunter/gatherer? Because even in the strictest communist system there needs to be a system in place to exchange goods. Its just that under that system you wait in line for hours to get toilet paper.

Nevermind just saw your other post.

I despise shopping, all shopping, for anything.

Of course that doesn’t mean that I don’t shop; of course I do. I just do it in a fashion that minimizes its drain on my time. If I need something, and must go out for it (as opposed to ordering it online) I determine exactly where I must go to obtain said item(s) before I leave the house, call to ensure it is in stock, make a beeline for the outlet selling the item(s), make the purchase and leave.

My continued frustration is that even the research part before I actually go out to make the purchase, or order online, is still ‘shopping’ as far as I am concerned, and a drain on/waste of my time.

Thank goodness I have a wife who loves to shop …wait.

I’ve worked out a system. There are certain styles – and only certain styles – that look okay on me. I usually shop on etsy vintage for dress-up, because 1) cheaper 2) better made and 3) etsy requires posting actual measurements rather than sizes. It’s true I occasionally make mistakes but it is still worth it if I don’t have to shop new in stores for sleazy asian crap for three times the price. And, the current styles are some of the most unflattering to come down the pike in a while.

My daily wardrobe consists of L.L.Bean denim jeans and 3/4 sleeve cotton tees, Gaiam cotton underwear and REI wool socks. Every single day. I’ve had best luck with L.L.Bean for the jeans and shirts.

I don’t usually buy shoes online though. My feet are too hard to fit.


I hate, hate clothes shopping. I now do it all online. It’s great. Food shopping I do because I have to. I don’t hate it per-se, but I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t have to. I usually go about once a week. I can speed through the store in about 15-20 minutes.

Other than that, I really don’t shop. I figure out what I want, find out who has it and go buy it. My Wife is the same way.

I don’t mind buying, but I hate shopping.

Browsing at a used book shop is about the only kind of shopping I truly enjoy. General shopping is not too bad provided I can get in, grab what’s on my list, check out, and escape the store all in under 20 minutes. That requires the stores not be too crowded, the merchandise be easy to find, and the checkout lines not be too long. Also I have learned the hard way not to be damn fool enough go to the store with somebody who actually likes shopping and who wants to look at every blessed item in the store.

I like grocery shopping - but I only ever go at odd hours when the store is not too busy. One time my local store decided to be open for Black Thursday and I was THE ONLY SHOPPER and it was amazing.

Clothes, eh. I don’t let it stress me out. I like that I have finally figured out the Lane Bryant coupon scheme and end up getting out of the store with stuff at 80% the original price. Good stuff.

Cars…my dad is a Ford retiree so it’s pretty easy to shop for cars. Whatever current Ford model I like best.

I try not to shop too much because I always find shit I need then end up spending too much and it drives me crazy. So I don’t let myself go to stores like Target too often. Bah.