The whole place is seemingly just a giant forum for trolls and morons. I have yet to see a video whose comments aren’t completely asinine and puerile. Do you ever fuel the fire by adding your own deliberately moronic comments, rebutting the stupid comments of others, or getting into flame wars with people who are almost certainly your intellectual inferiors?
Hell no. Why would I do that on YouTube when I have the Dope instead?
No. That way lies dickishness.
No. Nor do I have to read them since I was linked to the Comment Snob. I just wish it worked on more sites.
Edit: The Stupid Filter is quite cool as well.
I do sometimes. It’s kind of fun, if ‘dickish.’
I wouldn’t care if someone did, as I don’t consider it as intellectually dishonest as trolling on a message board (ok, certain msg boards), for example. No one expects intelligent conversation on youtube comments.
I don’t do it though, because I can’t be arsed.
Nope, never. I don’t think I could even bring myself to commit the requisite atrocities upon the English grammar, not even ironically. :eek:
I don’t even read the comments on youtube
the comments section of youtube is really a great place to go to feel better about yourself.
I rarely comment on videos and have never been a troll, nor do I want to be one. I have been the target of hateful private messages, though, for daring to voice my appreciation for a religious video. Yeesh. Some people have way too much time on their hands.
If I wanna troll I go to the WoW off-topic forums where everyone just pretends to troll and mock the people who actually do (well, used to, haven’t been there for 2 or 3 years). Youtube is too depressing to troll, I just try to use it as a self-esteem aid.
Is it trolling if you tell the Truthers about the holes you could fly a missile/airliner through in their theories?
I’ve never felt the need to post any comments on youtube.
My 13-y-o daughter likes to post humorous comments on youtube. She’s shown me some of the moronic rebuttals she’s gotten from people who take her seriously.
Example: She commented on a nature video where the animals are freeze-framed, “Wow, I didn’t know monkeys could stop and hover in mid-air like that. Well, ya’ learn something new every day.” There were dozens of responses telling her how ‘stoopid’ she was and not one that recognized it as a joke.
I choose not to wade in that sewer myself.
I guess those aren’t the kind of videos I watch. The only ones I tend to look at are old game shows and stuff. The viral videos must draw the trolls.
I don’t see the point in doing something like that. Why would I reduce myself to their level?
Exactly. Also, I’m not 13.