Not a cheery topic, but as you get older the question carries more weight.
I have had many friends and family members who have died - some far too young, others borderline when it comes to age, and others who lived a long life. Some have died from disease, some in accidents and some simply from old age. It is always hard to take, but it brings the reality of the inevitable to the forefront; we all have to go sometime.
As far as I know, I didn’t fear being born (as I was clueless and had no concept of what life was/is), so I don’t feel it is logical I should fear death.
The way I look at it, I was born alone, screaming and crying, so birth probably wasn’t a happy moment for me - but it turned out pretty good in the long run. And although my impulse would be to exit life, screaming and crying again, it stands to reason the next phase might also be a new adventure.
I think I might miss being alive and fear what might happen to those who care about and depend upon me - but I know that life as I know it will go on, with or without me.
Not that I am in any hurry to experience death, but I think the fear of it tends to dissipate as the years pass.
So do I fear death? No.
But in the same breath, I hope I live a long time to mull it over some more.