Do you have a problem with the word 'kids'?

Pretty much as the title, when referring to children do you think ‘kid’ is a good word to use? Want to find out how widespread this kind of objection is;

Stella and Helen need hobbies.

I call my kids my kids.

This. I also imagine Stella and Helen telling people that there are no such birds as seagulls while ignoring the fact that there are no birds called songbirds either but that doesn’t bother them when people call birds that.

I have a social acquaintance who always uses the word children instead of kids. Sets my teeth on edge every time she says children.

One of my sisters has this objection. It always seems silly to me. My sons and daughter are my kids.

When my grandmother was in her 90s, she would say about her children “I still worry about the kids.”

“Kid”, like most English words, has multiple meanings. It can mean anybody’s young child or it could mean your child, regardless of age. (Or a young goat or …)

I call my kids ‘kids’. I also call them ‘children’ though that sounds a bit more formal. I don’t care how you refer to them within reason.

The goat thing sounds asinine reasoning. A word can have more than one meaning and I have no idea which meaning evolved from which but “kids” is probably used today a million times for human children for each time it’s referring to a goat. If anything, the young goat should feel insulted.

In the southern mountains of Appalachia, they don’t call them kids. They call them younguns. Is that okay, Stella and Helen?
I find it hilarious and absurd that this is even a thing.

What a crude, brash way to refer to your mother! Why say “mum” when you can say “mother”?

You mean, you do not like shortening names or words.

“Kid” isn’t even shortening a word, it’s just using a different word.

I feel very sorry for those kids.

Then what does she call Crisco, huh?


My mother-in-law was the only person I’ve ever known who had a problem with ‘kids’ - ‘Don’t call her that, a kid is a baby goat!!’

She seems to be in the UK, so she’s most likely never heard of it.

I prefer yout or youts, My Cousin Vinny style. :slight_smile:

Right. It’s a UK article and specifically points out that using the words kid or kids to refer to children is at least potentially looked down upon in the UK because it’s perceived as an Americanism. Which I get, entirely. It’s not normal usage there. I think mate is ten times better than man, bud or bro (it’s at least a hundred times better than bro) but I would sound like an affected douchebag if I went around calling guys mate here.

Kid is completely normal usage in the US and anyone who has a problem with it in this country probably has a very large stick up their ass. And if they have a stick up their arse they’re probably also an affected douchebag.

When they’re grown, it makes sense to refer to them as “kids.” One of my kids is 40. He is not a child.

He’s not a kid either, but he will always be your kid. You could refer to him as “my son”. You could refer to your adult offspring as “my kids” or “my children”. That doesn’t make them kids or children. I don’t see the difference.

I am a lifetime-long childrens-right advocate and supporter. Doesn’t bother me now, didn’t bother me when I was a kid. it’s the attitudes that go with it, and the ones attached to “child” or any other formulation I can think of aren’t very different.

The worst thing you can say about “kids” is that it is cutesey, diminuitive; it’s like referring to childen as “kittens”. But I did not massively object to being considered “cute” when I was a grade-school aged person. What I objected to was being dismissed as just cute, as not possibly possessing a mind, a right to an opinion, a valid interest in being included in discussions of things that affected me. If someone is chronically or congenitally unable to take anything cute seriously, then I would not want that someone to consider me cute. From those capable of viewing someone as both cute and capable (thoughtful, in possession of intentions and opinions, owning the right to self-determination), though, cute is not the problem.