Do you have Morning Wood?

Seems like every other day I have it. It’s like I wake up and there’s this big…well I wont go into details. :wink:

Do any of you guys get Morning Wood?

I have morning would.

“I would get up but I stayed up too late last night.”
“I would go finish my Latin, but he only collects the Eng to Latin and I already did that.”
“I would go to Chem recitation, but he didn’t assign bonus points, so why bother?”

Most nights, I go to sleep in a bed in a room and wake up the next morning in a tent. It’s handy on those chilly mornings.

I thought every healthy male did. Is there anybody out there who doesn’t?

Moring wood is no natural and common it’s one of the main determinants of whether a sexual disfunction is considered bilogical or psycological. If you have hard-ons when asleep, but not when confronted by sexual opportunity, the problem is considered to be in your head, conflicts, phobias, guilt feelings.

Morning wood is SO natural and common it’s one of the main determinants of whether a sexual dysfunction is considered biological or psychological. If you have hard-ons when asleep, but not when confronted by sexual opportunity, the problem is considered to be in your head, conflicts, phobias, guilt feelings.

:frowning: No, sad to say, I don’t.

But, maybe after Mr Bear comes back from over there, I’ll get a chance to again. :wink:
Sorry, Silo, couldn’t resist. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, I get morning wood. I also have to pee really badly in the mornings. Imagine my dilemma:

“Bend, dammit, bend!!!”

Hey, SPOOFE, anytime you need help relieving that little “stiffness” problem…

God bless large-bowled toilets and an intuitive understanding of trajectories… :slight_smile:

But that’s only because I chopped some kindling last night.
What? Oh, that? Just natures way to ensure good circulation.

Yeah, while splitting logs, any questions?

“I tried to call Lorena Bobbit, but she cut me off!”

Slight Hijack

I just had to comment on the fortuitous arraignment of thread titles on the MPSIMS man page.

It was this one “Do you have Morning Wood?” followed by MagicalSilverKey’s thread entitled (wait for it) "** Oh YES, it feels SO good!!! ohhhhhh **, which is about a completely different subject altogether.

It struck me as being insanely funny.

Ahhh… simple things for simple folks I guess.

That should be main page. I need to get some sleep.

*Originally posted by corvus *

And when you wake up…

I never get morning wood.

Mr 57 always says it’s not FOR me.

rim shot

Curses foiled again.

I have morning wood, mid-morning wood, afternoon wood, evening wood, night wood… sometimes this is a problem! My GF helps when she is able (damn I’m a lucky bastard!) but she is not able to assist me all the time (she has a job)…

Woodn’t you like to know?


It happens.

Every day. The sad part is the missus is not a morning person. :frowning:

What? Right now?