Do you like being the driver on trips?

I hate driving. With a passion. And I have to drive the 4 hours home just to be there for 24 hours before I drive back. grumble

I would much rather be the driver than a passenger on a long car trip.

I don’t know that I’d say I LIKE it, but it does keep me from getting carsick.

It depends on who my traveling companion(s) are.

With my BFF or one sister, I’m fine as the passenger. My late SO, oh, hell no! Put me behind the wheel.

Most of the time, I do prefer to drive, though.

I hate just sitting there the whole time. Plus, I usually feel like my wife is driving too slow and I just want to get there already.

I know plenty of people who are like the OP, and I know a good number who won’t deign to ride as a passenger for any trip longer than cross-town (some not even that).

Personally, I honestly don’t much care, with the obvious exception of refusing to ride with anyone I already know to drive like a maniac. As long as it’s not my car (so no wear-and-tear issues) and it’s insured, I’ll drive, you drive; all the same to me. In my meatspace experience, that makes me a decided minority, so I’ll be interested to see the results of this thread.

I don’t mind driving, but I’m an awful passenger. I get nervous because no one is as good a driver as me dammit. I’ve tried to be the passenger, I’ve tried to sleep on a long trip and I just can’t do it. I’m the passenger the will check the blind spot when you change lanes, check behind the car when you slow down, always scanning the road ahead…for all the work I put into being the passenger I might as well drive.

My problem is that driving is boring. I mean, you need to have your concentration on the road, but just staring at the road is mind-numbing. I’m not an audiobook person, I like zoning out when I’m in a car. When I travel home, I know the route by heart. It would be like stretching my work commute to 4 hours or something like that.

I don’t hate driving, but I don’t like it much either. It’s like brushing your teeth: something you need to do, but which you don’t get any joy from doing.

…I like driving, tho only in my car. I tend to get bored if I’m not driving, and reading in a moving car makes me nauseous.

I picked “Yes, no matter the duration,” but it really depends on if the passenger is a slow driver. If I’m going on a long trip with someone who drives 5mph under the speed limit, then hell no to that person being behind the wheel. I will drive. I don’t have time for you to be drivin’ Miss Daisy along the highway.

Yes, I always like being the driver. It is nice on extremely long trips to be able to switch off with someone else for a while, but I’m perfectly capable of doing all of the driving myself if necessary. We did a recent road trip from Columbus, OH to Chicago (about six hours to get there) and I did about 90% of the driving on the trip, including all of the distance driving. I enjoy it.

I hate to drive, but I can’t just be a passenger and let one person do all the driving, so I’ll take my turn. If there are enough others that my turn won’t be missed, I’ll gladly avoid the driver’s seat.

I insist on being the driver. The slower you go, the tenser I get. I’m kind of like JoeyP, but all my scanning is of the “Dammit! You missed the gap!” and “Pull into the left lane - it’s going faster” variety. :wink:

I hate driving and simply don’t. If I can’t go as someone’s passenger or on a bus, I don’t go.

I don’t let other people drive ever.

I took a road trip several years ago with my brother and his girlfriend from MN to Denver and drove the whole thing (and back a few days later). I’m a horrible, horrible passenger.

I gave that same brother a ride back out to Denver a couple years later (to leave him there as that same girlfriend had moved there a couple weeks prior) but didn’t have time to stay because it was my son’s first Halloween the following day, so I went round-trip from MN to Denver in one shot. I had another brother with me who would have taken over if I needed him to, but I definitely prefer driving.

My son and I went back out to Denver (I <3 Colorado, apparently…) last summer to see that brother and his now-wife and I had no trouble getting there without another driver. We even stopped at the Strategic Air and Space Museum in NE on the way. :slight_smile:

Ben drove for me once because I had some morphine at the hospital. If he thought I was a bad passenger under normal circumstances… wow.

I love to drive and hate to be a passenger. When my then-wife and I moved from OH to AZ in '94 I drove every single mile of the trip in our U-Haul.

Yes, because it not only keeps me from being bored, it also ensures that we’ll get there more quickly and lowers the risk of me having a stroke because “just…go…AROUND…the…semi…ferfuckssake!”

So long as I don’t have to navigate.

I love driving, except in Mexico City. Most of the Mexicans are shocked when I tell them that, for example, I drove here from home, or that I drove to Chiapas, or that I’ve driven to Hermosillo. They just don’t understand the American road-trip culture!