Do you look like any celebrities?

i’ve been told many many times that i look likejulie from the real world on mtv but i dont watch mtv and i dunno if i agree or not. but right around the time her season was airing and for a year or so after that i got it all the time.

My stage name was Katya. So do you think I look like her?

I do! Especially the eyes. There is a definite similarity.

I have one friend who says I look like Joseph Cotten. She’s clearly smoking crack, but I’m still flattered.

Don’t have a decent headshot to compare, but imagine someone who looks nothing like Joseph Cotten; that’s what I look like. Wait, no, not Herve Villechaize either…

A slightly drunk girl once told me, after stealing my glasses, that I looked like Enrique (Iglesias?), pointing to this CD cover. Never mind that I’m all Scandinavian. I blame it on not having shaved for a week then, and it being kinda dark, but I guess it’s a compliment.

No pics of me, never got around to figuring out how the library scanner works.

Alias, you definitely do look like Carrie Fisher. Which is good. Except I now have to physically restrain myself from making suggestions involving brass bikinis.

Joseph Cotten

I’d say it was a compliment!

we’re cursed with the same nose. I hate it.

Hummm Well, I’ve been told…

Well, thank you Alias - what a nice thing to say.

GusNSpot - would it be bad form if I just crawled up onto your lap for a minute or two?

Audrey Hepburn, apparently.

When I was younger, slightly thinner and had longer hair, I was told that I looked like Iggy Pop. Managed to snag a hot-looking girlfriend because of it. Hmmm. Maybe I should lose some weight.

When I was in junior high, people called me Laura Ingalls, and with good reason…Melissa Gilbert is my age or slightly older, I think.

I walked into a classroom once amd they all agreed that I look like Chris Farley. The class was obviously made up of lunatics.

I’ve been told I resemble Meat Loaf, Andrew Strong, Philip Seymore Hoffman, and Kiefer Sutherland.

In my teens I reminded everyone of Jason Bateman, who I totally despised as an actor. Then came my 20’s in which even my mother said I looked a lot like Kyle MacLachlan (Twin Peaks, Dune).

A few people used to say I looked like John Travolta, with a smaller nose and mouth of course. I think that was more attributable to my favorite jacket at the time.

No one has ever said Pierce Brosnan, but that’s what I think I’m moving towards as I gracefully age. Except for my hair which is increasingly grey. I may have to settle my hopes on looking like Mel Gibson by time I’m 40.

Minnie DRiver.

Even though I have no freckles… and I have straight not curly hair.

I look so much like Boston Globe cartoonist Paul Szep that someone once cut out a “Dewar’s Profile” ad featuring him and posted it on my door (with the name crossed out). For several days people would come by and ask, in all seriousness, what I was doing in a liquor ad.

I had such a huge crush on Jason Bateman when I was a kid.

I still get people telling me that I look like Natalie from that ever so popular 80’s show Facts of Life.

People - especially those around 25 or older - will spend a while looking at me after we’ve been introduced and tell me that I look familiar. Am I sure I’ve never lived in Sometown?

Depending on my mood, I’ll either let them try to figure it out for a while or suggest Natalie as a reason they might think I look so familiar. Most of the time the response is “THAT’S IT”.

Hey, I have been told I look like Natalie from Facts of Life too. And act like her. I’ve also been told I look like Shirley Hemphill.
Sad, but true.