I get them mixed up all the time. WTH is that Aerosmith Song? Dream Weaver, no uh uh, Dream On?
Stylistically they remind me of each other. Coincidence or deliberate? Pretty sure Dream Weaver came out a year before Dream On.
Dream Weaver
Dream On
I get them mixed up all the time. WTH is that Aerosmith Song? Dream Weaver, no uh uh, Dream On?
Stylistically they remind me of each other. Coincidence or deliberate? Pretty sure Dream Weaver came out a year before Dream On.
Dream Weaver
Dream On
The obvious difference is Weaver is a synthesizer song.
Dream On is guitar.
Theres just something about them that makes them have a similar, weird vibe.
LOL I even mixed up the release order. It’s hard keeping these two songs straight in my head.
Dream On June 1973
Dream Weaver Dec 1975
Me, I always mix them up with Jimmy Buffett’s “Dreamsicle.”
I don’t confuse them, but I get your drift. There are other song pairings that blur in my mind. There are several sets of Tom Waits songs that stack like poker chips…
Never. “Dream On” is a classic rock song. “Dreamweaver” is what the Muzak in Hell plays.
Yes, often. One used to be played all the time in the auditorium in Jr. High when we had to sit there for the lunch break on rainy or winter days, but I get mixed up on which it was. Either can give me middle-school flashbacks.
Not at all, even with the similar names. Different vibes, different musical styles.
My daughter, she was 11, 12 at the time, absolutely freaked out when the oldies station played “Dream Weaver” one night on our way back from soccer practice. Literally went on an epic 2 minute rant about how much she hated the song, “Daddy, I know I’m not supposed to say this, but this song suuuucks” type stuff, had me in tears I was laughing so hard.
So we pull into the driveway, open the garage door, and there is her beloved bike… a model we got from Academy Sports, proudly labelled “Dreamweaver.”
She completely lost it.
Good times.
Dream Weaver was a big part of my high school years. It’ll always be special.
Its a little dated now. Synthesizers are almost a cliche today. Dream On has held up much better.
Not a chance. I don’t think they sound even remotely alike.
As an aside, at one time I had an employee named Dean Weaver. Thankfully, his employment was short-lived. You can imagine the headache I had every day with that song running through my mind.
They kind of mesh together in my memories of childhood and though they are stylistically different they do seem to share something that I can’t quite put my finger on. They’re both kind of melancholy / dark and put me in a pensive state of mind. I always preferred Dream Weaver and now I’m going to add it to my Spotify list here at work.
Never no not
Not one bit.
That’s like asking if you confuse Star Trek and Star Wars.
Totally different head. Totally.
Nope, never. But I did mix up the Our Houses by Madness and CSN&Y.
Never confused those two songs. However, I’ll often confuse Gary Wright with Gerry Rafferty.
No sir. Not even once.
Yes, constantly. I didn’t even figure out that Dreamweaver wasn’t by Aerosmith until a couple of years ago. I was vaguely aware that it was a different song than Dream On but I never heard them at the same place at the same time so that realization didn’t hit my consciousness.
Johnny Slash!
They sound nothing alike to me, so no.