Do you sleep with your wife/husband?

I’m more of a night owl than my wife is, so I usually go to bed later. However, most nights I’ll get in bed at the same time she does and read while she falls asleep with her head on my chest.

After a while I’ll shift a little bit and she’ll (in her sleep, I think) move off of me and curl up on her side of the bed. I’ll either get up and putter around for a while or roll over and fall asleep myself if I’m tired.

90% of the time we’ll be in bed a the same time, 5% of the time within 1 hour and the other 5% of the time someone has gone out on the piss with their friends.

We keep the same schedule most of the time so it works well, although that’ll change when I start working some nights next year.

We sleep in the same bed. We have a general sleep schedule that’s similar, but I go to bed slightly earlier, and I sleep in later. So I go to bed and he comes to bed later.

I have friends who sleep in separate rooms. Honestly, it took me awhile to get used to sleeping with someone else (I was single for 28 years before we moved in together), and we were considering having separate bedrooms, but then we got used to each other. Thank God we both like sleeping with the TV on, because I can’t sleep without the background noise.


We started sleeping in separate bedrooms five years ago. We both snore. I stay up later and get up later than my wife. I’m a lighter sleeper than she is, so her getting up at 7 and getting dressed etc. would wake me up three hours early, and I can’t go back to sleep once I wake up. I got kind of tired of coming in to bed late and trying to sleep on my eighth of the mattress, and not having any blankets because she’s a blanket hog. So I started sleeping in the spare bedroom. Now we have a nice relationship without all the resentment built up over years of being awoken by snoring, or freezing in the middle of the night, or any of that stuff.

We’ve talked about it, and we both agree that it’s nice to have a whole bed to yourself, and we’re glad we don’t have to be upset about sleep deprivation caused by each others’ nocturnal habits. I think we appreciate each other more for it. I would feel terrible if I caused my wife to feel dragged out all day because I kept her awake by snoring, and she feels the same way about sparing me that bother, too.

When we’re staying over at her parents’ house, we sleep together, and both wear earplugs. It works fine.

Same bed, separate blankets.

Otherwise, covers-stealing gets out of hand.

HE steals the covers! HIM! If he shakes me awake to point out that I have all the covers, it is only because I have taken them back from him after HE stole them all.

Same here. Except replace “wife” with “husband”.

Wow, someone else who does this!!! He has his two blankets, and I have mine, and we curl up happily separately. We do also tend to GO to bed at different times, but almost always spend most of the night in the same bed.

In our relationship, though, I’M the snorer & I used to feel REALLY guilty when he’d go sleep in the spare room, so I started more agressive allergy treatment and now it’s better. I’m also getting over the guilty thing, since I can’t CONTROL my snoring. (I mean, it’s not like I’m snoring on PURPOSE or anything.)

Oh, and for the TMI-curious with the separate blankets thing - generally we just move them ALL out of the way if there are going to be any…extracurricular activities. :wink:

I work shifts, so when he’s not working he’ll come to bed at the same time as me (or stay up with me), but when he is working then ufortunately sometimes we just have to sacrifice even seeing each other sometimes.

Most times we’ll go to bed at the same time, we’ll read for a bit then he’ll stay up reading while I fall asleep.

Posting again to say that while I love my new king bed I’ve long thought the perfect set-up would be to get a McMansion with one of those enormous master suites and then have 2 queen beds in the room.

Seperate beds, same room would be a really workable configuration but with more space for each sleeper than Lucy and Ricky’s sad little twin beds had…

Here’s your weekly health public service announcement: All those of you confessing to snoring problems, or SO’s with same, might want to consider mentioning this to your doctor, to see if the snorer has sleep apnea. My wife used to snore loudly enough to give me a headache (let alone keep me awake). Then she found out she had serious sleep apnea, got put on a C-PAP machine, and hasn’t snored since. Now I just have to sleep with somebody blowing in my ear all night, but at least it’s not loosening the ceiling plaster.

Mrs. Stone and I started out often in seperate beds due to my snoring, but over time she got used to it, (and we found comfortable earplugs for her) so it’s a rare thing now for her to slip away in the night.

We do use seperate covers/blankets when it’s cold out, one light one for me, and two heavy ones for her. (I was amazed to read that others do that too! Thanks Podkayne and Indyellen for sharing!)

Oh, we have seperate blankets/sheets too! Can’t stand to share except on really cold nights.

Fixed title.

Since my husband is a truck driver (for the past 20 years!) and is gone all week, only home on weekends, I am quite used to sleeping alone and prefer it, actually. When he’s home, we do fine, but he’s also used to sleeping alone. We each have seperate blankets, too. I like to sleep in total darkness, and so does he.

I usually go to bed earlier than DH, esp. on weeknights - he worked nights a few years ago and is still a night owl. He also has some sinus problems and finds it hard to tweak the pillows properly against our headboard, so he often migrates to the guest room or the couch in the middle of the night.


And I scratch her back for her so she goes to sleep purring like a kitten.

I sleep in the guest room unless we have guests. DH wants the TV on all night, and I don’t mind the noise, it’s the flickering light that gets me.
We also do the separate blankets thing. Three queen duvets on a king bed.

I don’t sleep with my wife … but other people do. :slight_smile:

Mrs. Mercotan and I sleep together. Neither of us gets a good night’s rest on those rare circumstances when we sleep alone.

Very good advice. However, I’ve had the sleep study. No apnea, thank goodness, but still snoring. :wink: