Do you suck on your fingers after eating?

If you do, you are one gross fucker. Stop it! Were you born in a barn or what? And don’t give me that innocent look when I glare at you–you know damn well that I can hear your slurping, smacking noises repeated ten–count them–TEN TIMES all the way across the fucking room! And then you eat another mouthful of chicken, and then you start doing it again!

As an adult, I realize that it’s beyond the pale for me to correct another adult’s table manners, but damn.

er… isn’t this supposed to be in The Pit?
and no, i don’t suck on my fingers after eating. that’s what napkins are for.

Only if its a really messy tasty dish.

Now to really gross you out, when I eat fried eggs, I take my finger and wipe the yolk off the plate, like getting the last of the cake batter out of a bowl. Sure, I could use a piece of toast but it’s covered in strawberry jam, and I can’t get the full effect of the subtle but sublime essence which is egg yolk.

Neener, neener, neener. :stuck_out_tongue:

If really tasty - maybe but only at the end and only when the amount of ‘residue’ is too much for the napkin. If you don’t like it you can go …whoa this isn’t the pit it it? - well if you don’t like it I really dont care.

Uhhh… no, actually. I suck on other peoples’ fingers. I thought we’d settled this ages ago, and there are pics to prove it. [sub]Right, Simetra? :D[/sub]

Yeah, sure. If you don’t smack on yer fingers after eating ribs, then you ain’t cookin’ em right…

Are we talking about industrial-strength, Hoover-is-my-middle-name finger sucking here, or simple “oops, dripped a little barbecue sauce, don’t want to waste it” licking?

The occasional lick of the minor little drip isn’t offensive to me. Seems like more of a reflex than anything else. But those who Shop-Vac their fingers all the way down to the wrist, as if they’ve never seen the trees that napkins are made from let alone an actual napkin, well, yeah, they’re icky. :eek:

That depends on why I’m sucking your fingers, Persephone.

Hm. Yeah, good point.


I second this opinion.

[sub]That’s what[/sub]
[list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list]Grits are for

Hey, if I just spent an hour’s worth of my minimum-wage-earning time on a meal, I’m enjoying every last motherlovin bit of it!

Sure, I was born in a barn. Where were you born, a cathedral?

After eating something greasy, yeah, I suck my fingers! Though I try to be discreet about it…

I wipe my hands with a napkin, but that just doesn’t seem to make them feel clean (I think I’m a bit obsessive-comulsive…).

I don’t think it’s particularly gross… I do it quickly, and with a minimum of sucking noises…