Do you think someone who is not a fan of the superhero genre would enjoy WandaVision?

I’d like to introduce my landlady to WandaVision, but she has no knowledge of the lore and probably no interest in watching the Avengers movies. I might be able to get her to watch the two Assembled shorts on Wanda and Vision to get her up to date on who the characters are before watching it.

Do you think someone with little-to-no knowledge of the MCU, and little interest in the superhero genre, would enjoy WandaVision?

No. She’d hate it. Have her watch “Unbreakable” on one end of the spectrum, or “Guardians of the Galaxy” on the other. WV is too niche.

No way. Not enough nostalgia and not funny enough to keep a non sci-fi fan interested.

I’m old, I never followed the MCU, and my real love of superheroes pretty much ended when Christopher Reeve finished his Superman movies. I enjoyed WandaVision, but I had my Marvel-loving daughter to help guide me through the rough spots. On my own I probably would have bailed somewhere during Episode 3.

I’ve never even heard of Wanda Vision. What is it? :thinking:

It’s a limited-run TV series, which first ran on Disney+ last winter, and is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, in the timeframe after Avengers: Endgame. It features the Vision and the Scarlet Witch, and is pretty trippy, especially the first few episodes.

As others have said, without the backstory on who the characters are, or what transpired in the earlier Avengers films, I think it’d be very difficult for her to follow.

So is it your thing on this board to be the guy who always responds “I’ve never heard of this extremely popular and well-known thing.” This is the second time in a couple days I’ve noticed it.

No, it’s my thing on this board to ask questions about things I learn about here.

Equally, I answer questions that other people ask, if I know the answer.

Give and take about things we each know about, or don’t know about.

Isn’t that the mission statement: fighting ignorance?

Modnote: This post is bordering on either Jr. Modding or stalking a poster. Please refrain from doing this. Northern_Piper was not threadshitting or anything close to it. They were asking a reasonable question for Cafe Society.

This is just a guidance, not a warning. Nothing on your permanent record.

As long as I am here, my wife likes classic sitcoms and isn’t into the MCU and superheroes. She enjoyed WandaVision.

He’s not the only one. I never heard of it before this thread, and I’d most likely be bored out of my skull.

I think there is another axis of people that would like at least the first two thirds of WandaVision: people who really love TV and TV history. The genre recreations are spot on and so rich even someone who doesn’t know the MCU would appreciate them. That was actually my favorite part of it by far.

The first two episodes, anyway. After that, (IMHO) it got dark really fast and the retro fun of the first couple episodes turned into a bad dream.

No. No, she would not.

I’m not sure you have to know much about the Avengers* or MCU to enjoy it, but you have to be someone who likes pretend worlds with people with supernatural powers who can bend reality (not just move things around like Jeannie or Samantha, but fundamentally alter reality) and talking humanoid robots that aren’t comic relief. That’s a big gulf for people who like their fiction grounded in reality.

Why were you thinking she’d like it?

*I think you could get by without the backstory - I think all the key points show up in exposition. It’s easier if you already know all the things, but I think the show helps viewers out enough.

Well, this is something I can answer from my personal experience. Neither my wife nor I are current on the MCU. I think she’s seen maybe three of the movies; I haven’t seen any.

We tried watching Wanda Vision because people were raving about it. We couldn’t get through the first episode because we had no idea what was going on.

It was a long and persistant populat thread here in CS not long ago.

It’s not really a traditional superhero story so maybe? It could have been a story arc for Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

That’s about where I stand. I keep wanting to watch it just based on the cast, but I have just about zero knowledge of any MCU/DC anything. The extent of my knowledge of superheroes in the last 25 years is a handful of the Batman movies. So far, that’s kept me from giving it a go. That and I don’t have Disney+.

However, even knowing nothing about any of that stuff, I loved Deadpool. Granted, some of the jokes go over my head, but it’s still a good standalone movie, similar to how you can enjoy Spaceballs with no prior knowledge of Star Wars (or any of the other movies they pulled from).

I don’t think she’d like it. Most people were bored and angry at the first few episodes (especially Marvel fans who were looking forward to it) and didn’t get into it until the actual Marvel superhero shit started happening. If you don’t understand the comic book/MCU references I can’t imagine it would be fun to watch.