You’d think there’d be a market for a reasonably priced GoT-themed Halloween costume, but unless you want to spend a fortune on eBay, you’re screwed.
I found a cute goddess dress, and I’ll pair it with a blonde wig and a plush dragon for Daenerys. My husband, who has naturally curly long-ish black hair, would look great as Jon Snow, but I’m having a bitch of a time with the costume…and I have a black leather cape lined with fake black fur already!
Do you guys think that that cape, combined with this costume and a longsword would get the point across? If not, can you help me find something that will work?
Absolutely. I think those who know Game of Thrones will get it, especially next to Daenerys. And I think those who don’t know Game of Thrones will just think it’s a cool knight/warrior/badass costume.
I don’t watch GoT, so I thought of JONNY Snow, mentioned offstage in Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog… It’s a simpler costume, since you just have to be a poser in a parka.
I think it would be pretty good with your cape you have. Maybe it would help if he had a white wolf stuffed animal with him, though that might be hard to find one that looks right and it can be annoying carrying props.
Pick up some fake fur at the thrift store and buy anything long and black - even a bedsheet - that you can pin up as a cloak. Have him cross two belts over his chest, dress in black, and you’ve got this for less than that poncy costume.
Fake fur is everywhere right now, so if the thrift store doesn’t pan out, it’s easy to find something on the cheap.