Everbody has bad days. Its part of life. Then there are the days when you just want to slap the snot out of a few specific people.
Individuals I would like to smack:
My brother. I just got an email from Mother_Maven. Mouse_Bro is back in the hospital with heart trouble - cardiomyopathy. He had a similar episode two years ago. Part of me feels guilty because we’re not that close. The rest of me want to punch him and scream: Stop smoking! Stop drinking! Stop eating all that fast-food junk! Oh yea gods! Your only 27 and you have a 10 year old son. Start taking care of yourself!
The Department Head. He’s leaving for Canada next year. We’re running out of money. He’s constantly out of the lab. Oh, I got this meeting in California. And I’ve got to see this guy in Boston about this paper. And I agreed to be an editor for this journal. Why do you need to know when I’m out of town? I’d love to give him a good solid slap and tell him to take care of his people here before bouncing around the globe.
My boss. He’s been on service at the hospital and not answering his email or our phone messages. We finally got him to call us and he mentioned that things haven’t been that busy for him. He gets smacked for being a rude MoFo.
Anyone you want to slap?