Do you wear bedroom slippers?

Do you wear bedroom slippers around the house?

No, I dont want to hear from you people who wear them to the grocery store and the mall.
I know you are out there, I have seen you many times:eek:
I never found bedroom slippers very attractive,especially
on men

and they are so hard to walk in…I would probably trip all over them and break my neck… would rather do the barefoot thing…
I guess I want to know because I’ve never known anyone who actually wore them.

Not so much for “around the house,” but to keep my feet warm when I’m sitting in my home office on a cold winter day. I like the “bootie” type that totally enclose your foot and ankle.

No, they’re definitely not stylish, but who’s gonna see me? Besides, I’d be more concerned about the old-sweats-covered-with-dog-hair-on-their-third-consecutive-wearing that I wear them with. :smiley:

I prefer those hospital footies with slide stoppers.

Well, I wear these but never in public. I bought them 14 years ago, and they are looking a bit worse for the wear. Much loved though, even had new soles put in, and they wash easily if I don’t mind losing a few whiskers each time.

I wear boot-style Aussie shearling slippers. They’re soft and very warm. I love them.


I want to get a pair of SpongeBob slippers so I can stick my feet in his mouth.:stuck_out_tongue:

Most of the time…have 'em on now, in fact. They’re fuzzy blue and quite comfy. Thanks Old Navy!

I wear rubber sandals. You know, the kind you wear on the beach. They’re comfy.

Isotoner ballet-style slipper with leather soles.

I have a concrete subfloor in my basement suite with nowhere near enough padded underlay for the carpet, and none for the lino.

My floor is cold and hard. My slippers are warm and padded.

Cyn, wife of Drachillix, here, wearing Isotoner Secret Sole slippers in Navy, the black ones are resting. I also have giant life-like rabbits. I put my feet into their backs. I have the leather-soled
Isotoner ballets in pink and in black…being a floor nurse, I baby my feet.

Spring through fall, I’m barefoot – but fall through spring, I’m wearing shearling slippers to try to keep my feet warm.


What the . . .

Does anybody else see a keyboard-key-icon-looking thing up there in my post, where a :smiley: (big toothy green smiley) was supposed to go?

What’s up with that?


Still wearing my booties, and digging in for a late night . . .

Well, not bedroom slippers, per se, but I do alternate between the Shearling boots and the ankle booties. My feet are just too cold without them.

I wear shearling slippers when I am being active around the house (cooking, cleaning, whatever) because they keep my feet warm and protected when I’m on cold linoleum, potentially wet or dirty floors and the occasional trip outside to the garabage can.

I have several pair, and never think to put them on until my feet are frozen, or I’m going outside.
Then, I take them off at different places around the house. The kitties like them.

Not bedroom slippers, no. More like Birkenstock knock-offs. Very comfy. If it gets really cold, then I’ll drag out the wool felt slippers.

Yeah. I don’t like wearing shoes at home, but my feet just feel wrong when they’re bare or only in socks.

I have two pair - light blue terry with cushy soles and black fleece with rubber soles. I always have something on my feet because they get cold so easily. When I take off my regular shoes, I’ll keep the socks on and slip my tootsies into one of my pairs of slippers. Comfy…

I’ve been known to wear them to walk to the mailbox, and I wore the black ones to the store once, but mostly they don’t leave the house.

I wear nice comfy fleeceish pink ones… I even brought them on hols with me at Christmas. Cold feet are horrid! Fiance thinks they’re very cute. He now has (courtesy of me) Tigger Slipper Socks and he looks such a darling in them. Slippers rule!!

Ugg boots when it’s very cold, or daughter’s cast-off backless trainer type things (very old, hideous and paint-splattered, but they keep my feet off the tiled floors. I wear them in summer too when the floor is dirty).