Do you wear shorts or pants at home?

How you doin’? And where’s my martini? :wink:

I never wear shorts even though I live in Florida. I’m not certain that I still own a pair. Pajama pants or capri sweat pants and a wife beater are what I wear at home. And never bare feet. I have to have socks or slippers on, usually socks.

Do you wear shorts or pants at home?
None of the above
The first thing I do when I get home is rip off my clothes. I can’t be comfortable unless I am nekkid. Sometimes I put on a pair of boxers. If its cold, I throw on a bathrobe. My apartment is like a solitary nudist colony.

I hate shorts. I wear pants at home. Late at night I’ll wear long pajamas or long sweats.

the only time you’ll catch me in shorts is at raqcquetball. Or swimming.

You misspelled “insanely.”

And what does your wife make of this? :stuck_out_tongue:

I never wear shorts either - but that’s because of a large dog that sleeps on the couch and sheds - so my legs itch. :smiley:

If I didn’t have a roommate right now with whom I am not having sex, I’d be naked all the time at home. When the BF and I move out to our own apartment (again), I’ll be naked. Right now, it’s whatever I was wearing earlier in the day. I don’t change what I’m wearing just because I’m at home and not somewhere else.

Clearly it’s time to start having sex with the roommate.

Lately the boyfriend and I have been wandering around the house in long underwear. We’re very comfortable but we look like we’re prospectors.

I come home and get in the jammies immediately. I don’t care for shorts, though. My legs get cold.

Me: 6’, 225#, super hairy, in a monogamous relationship.

Him: 5’ 10" (approx.), 120# (approx), hairless as a child.

I’m not picturing it happening. :stuck_out_tongue: Besides, the SO would kill me (although I’ve been bargaining for an open relationship for forever.)

I don’t change my pants when I come home from work (and shorts are forbidden), but this time of year, I usually wear a button-up shirt over a t-shirt, and remove the outer shirt when I get home.

I live by myself, so when I come home everything comes off. I guess if you have roommates or kids you might not want to run around in your birthday suit but I still say it is their problem not yours.

I feel sorry for you textiles, rise up and cast free your shackles. Naked is FREEDOM!!!

I usually wear jeans every day, so stay in jeans until I go to bed. The only time I wear shorts around the house is when I’m about to do a workout. Non-workout shorts are not comfortable for me, and if I want to change out of some nicer pants/slacks, I’ll usually put on some pajama bottoms instead.

I change into loungy pants as soon as I get home. Depending on the season, they could be cotton PJ pants, flannel PJ pants, or sweatpants. I almost never wear shorts because there’s always a chance the neighbors will come by and I don’t show my legs.

But no, I never wear street clothes around the house.

Freedom, but chilly! Also, potentially hazardous. I’m a nudie-pants as soon as it’s anywhere even remotely close to bedtime or loungy-time, but when I’m sewing, gardening, fixing something on the house… I figure the rule probably ought to be no exposed nipples when working with power tools or electricity. :wink:

I wear shorts pretty much all the time at home from about October through until about April.

I wear the clothes I wore to work until I go to bed. That is, jeans and a shirt. Sometimes I’ll sit around without a shirt. But I haven’t owned a pair of shorts since I was oh, eight years old. Nor do I own a track suit or a sweatshirt, nor pajamas, nor slippers.

As soon as I I’m home and showered, I pop on a nightshirt ( or two, if it’s cold enough.) They’re just for hanging around the house in, not sleeping in. At bedtime, the nightshirt is doffed and a T-shirt is donned. In summertime both are optional, depending on the heat.

I typically wear a tank top (braless) and panties. Yes, I am in Minnesota and it’s cold, but that’s what I’m comfortable in. We typically have our thermostat set at 68-70.