The recent thread about leaving the water running while brushing got me wondering about this. Some of the respondents implied that they don’t wet their toothbrush before brushing their teeth.
That’s freaking disgusting! A few times, I’ve been absentminded and started brushing my teeth dry, and it’s like sucking on sheetrock dust.
I polled a few of my friends, and none of them admitted to doing this. One of them did claim that she knew someone who did, though.
So, what side of the fence do you fall on? And if you’re a dry brusher, how can you stand it?
Take brush from stand. Turn on water. Wet brush. Turn off water. Apply toothpaste. Brush. Turn on water. Rinse toothbrush. Return to stand. Spit. Turn off water. Rinse and gargle with Listerine 30 seconds. Spit. Whee!
I don’t wet it. The toothpaste provides enough moisture for me. Maybe I use more toothpaste than I’m meant to, but life’s short, might as well live it up.
My toothbrush has been sitting wet in the bathroom all day/night collecting who knows what from the air. I usually run it under hot water for a few seconds just in case something is growing on the bristles.
I used to brush dry. Then I found that wetting the brush first made it easier to rinse off the excess toothpaste that had become embedded between the bristles. Less gunk in the bristles, less gunk for germs to build up on, I figure.